• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

News and Views

FAIR response to The Stakeholder Roundtable on Catastrophic Impairment Sept 5, 2013

Given that “The goal of this review should be to ensure that the most seriously injured victims are treated fairly” then the FSCO must acknowledge that this has not been accomplished with a Panel that lacked the expertise necessary to arrive at a fair definition. No matter how cooperative and interactive the roundtable participants were, it cannot undo the flaws of the original Panel conclusions or the harm it will do to accident victims.

The confusion demonstrated by the FSCO CAT Panel in dealing with this new catastrophic definition should be reason enough to go back to the consultation process. FSCO needs to better accommodate those most severely injured by removing the obstacles to recovery rather than creating new ones. FAIR response to Stakeholder Roundtable on Catastrophic Impairment September 5 2013

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