• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

News and Views

Reducing Fraud with Transparency

On February 19, March 11, and March 19, 2013 FAIR wrote open letters to Ontario’s Colleges and our Government about reducing the fraud in Ontario’s auto accident insurance by way of holding medico-legal ‘experts’ who perform independent medical examinations IMEs accountable. We did not get any response from these stakeholders and so we wrote the September 16, 2013 letter and the responses FAIR has received are listed below. For further information see our Media Releases page.

Reducing Fraud with Transparency in Ontario’s Independent Medical Examinations – Open Letter September 16, 2013

AIAC Oct 3-13 response to FAIR Open Letter dated September 16 2013

FAIR response to AIAC Oct 3 letter – sent October 22 2013

The Canadian Centre of Excellence in Injury Law response to Three Strikes

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