Great comments!
570 News March 5 2014
Steven Del Duca, Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Finance, Re: Ontario’s governing Liberals have introduced legislation that they say will help reduce auto insurance rates, even though they’re not mandating a cut to premiums. Finance Minister Charles Sousa says rates have dropped 5% on average across Ontario and will fall further to the 15% target if the bill passes. He says the legislation will combat fraud, make it easier to settle disputes and curb costs. Critics point out Ontario made regulatory changes in 2010 that greatly reduced costs for the insurance industry, but those savings have not been passed along to drivers.
570 News Tuesday Mar. 4, 2014
Rick Dubin, Vice President of Investigations at Insurance Bureau of Canada, Re: March is Fraud Prevention Month and the IBC is taking aim at a number of issues that hurt insurers and Canadians. Staged collisions. Unscrupulous auto repair shops. False medical claims. Fake auto theft. Padding an otherwise legitimate claims. These are just some of the insurance scams that criminals commit.