• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Suing the wrongdoer in a Civil lawsuit or pursuing a WSIB Claim? What’s best for you (Ontario)

There are instances where injured workers CANNOT sue. If they’ve been hurt or injured on the job site, there are instances where the injured party MUST pursue a WSIB claim. In such instances, it’s important to find out if your employer is a Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 employer. The difference is that is that you CANNOT sue a Schedule 1 employer; while you can sue a Schedule 2 employer. How do you find out if you’re dealing with a Schedule 1 or a Schedule 2 employer? That’s easy. All it takes is a call to the WSIB at 1-800-387-0750. Just ask the person who picks up the phone. It’s an easy search for their staff to make.


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