• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

The Lawyers

Hajos v. David et al, 2014 ONSC 817 (CanLII)


[2]          This is a sad case.

[3]          Not only was the Plaintiff Eva Hajos catastrophically injured in the April 7, 1996 motor vehicle accident that set off this difficult journey through the courts; but the Plaintiffs’ involvement with this litigation resulted in her husband spending virtually all of his waking hours in a quixotic search for justice.

[4]          They appeared before me, a sympathetic couple.  He, well dressed and articulate and evidently very bright and she, in a wheelchair, contributing very little to the argument.

[5]          After the accident they hired a lawyer (David) to pursue their accident-related claims, in the Fall of 1996.  But he withdrew his services in the Fall of 2005.

[6]          So they sued him in 2007.  That resulted in Mr. David filing a Requisition for Assessment in the Superior Court at Toronto.

[7]          A preliminary appointment for the assessment was scheduled for February 11, 2008 and the Plaintiffs brought a motion to stay the assessment proceedings pending resolution of their claim against David.

[8]          Then all went off the rails.

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