• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education


Nguyen and Federation Insurance (Economical) [+] Appeal, 2014-10-03, Reg 403/96. Final Decision FSCO 4291.


Mrs. Nguyen submits that Dr. Monte Bail, the psychiatrist at Lorak, wrote a report that “purposely contained errors, changed and edited information from Ms. Nguyen’s previous insurer’s examination reports to ultimately fit his opinion that Ms. Nguyen’s caregiver benefits should be terminated.” However, as noted above, the Arbitrator did not assign great weight to Dr. Bail’s report. He found that Dr. Bail “did not fairly assess Mrs. Nguyen. His report was profoundly impacted by his belief that Mrs. Nguyen was not truthful about taking medications prior to the motor vehicle accident. In fact, Mrs. Nguyen’s family doctor had made an error which led Dr. Bail to reach the conclusion that he did.”

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