• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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William Watson: The PC in Ontario PCs apparently now stands for ‘Populism’s Correct’

Stephen Gordon’s column this week in the National Post, on how “The Economist Party” has had a big influence on the federal Liberals, had me feeling pretty good about my profession. I might quibble that we were more influential with the Mulroney Tories, who took economists’ advice on both free trade and the GST, and the Chrétien-Martin Liberals, who restored federal fiscal sanity, while, by contrast, 21st-century Liberals have wobbled badly on deficits, if not yet debts. But the idea of economics-based policy, preferable even to evidence-based policy, warms the heart of someone who has been pushing it for four decades now.


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