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  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Linett v. Aird & Berlis LLP, 2018 ONSC 2144 (CanLII)

[51]           Before concluding, I believe it is appropriate and necessary to observe that the circumstances described here raise serious questions about the fairness and effectiveness of the current process for assessing solicitors’ accounts in Ontario. As described earlier, there is a significant public interest in a fair procedure for the assessment of a solicitor’s bill. Not only is this important for the administration of justice, as well as for solicitors and their clients, it is a simple matter of consumer protection.

[52]           The legislature has been able to devise effective processes to resolve disputes arising between a wide variety of licensed professionals and their clients in Ontario. It would appear timely for the relevant authorities and decision-makers to review the process for the assessment of solicitors’ accounts so as to ensure that a similarly fair, effective and expeditious dispute resolution process is in place.

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