• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

June 1, 2018

New story posted to our Member story page 


This report has been written by a family member of an innocent victim who was
drastically affected by a serious injury in a motor vehicle accident, and whose family
has now had to take responsibility for the victim and their injuries. Our lives have
been changed forever, and the insurance industry, into which we have been paying
for decades on the premise that we hope we never have to use it, but have it there
in case we ever need it, has been released of its responsibility and has been free
to shirk their obligations, thanks to the Ontario Provincial Liberals under Premier
Kathleen Wynne.
As a family, we were lifelong Liberals, but Wynne’s consistent attack on the
innocent victims of motor vehicle accidents in Ontario, and her consistent
acquiescence and loyalty to Ontario wealthy insurance industry has changed our
minds forever. Any party that does not care about its people should not be running
the province.
It’s time to oust the Liberals from office and replace them with a party who will
support the innocent victims of Ontario motor vehicle accidents.

Read more: http://www.fairassociati on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/ 05/JoAnne-Fair-Insurance-story .pdf

Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=Qxt_YY29ZFw

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Ontario’s election has put auto insurance on a collision course for higher rates

Leading up to the provincial election, the Liberals, Conservatives and NDP are calling for an end to location-based rating within car insurance. At first glance, this may appear as a rallying cry for fairness. In reality, it blames insurance companies instead of committing to system-wide reform — a strategy that would directly benefit consumers. Car insurance is on a collision course unless Ontario’s next leader takes a firm stance on reforming the current system in this province. 
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Which Insurer should pay my Motor Vehicle Accident Claim if there is more than one Insurer? 

If are injured in a motor vehicle accident and you are potentially covered for statutory accident benefits under more than one policy, pursuant to the Insurance Actregulation 283/95, the first insurer to receive your completed application for accident benefits is obligated to pay your coverage, as long as there is some connection (nexus) between the insurer and the claimant. The objective of this rule is to prevent injured accident victims from been disadvantaged by having to wait for needed financial settlement while insurers dispute which of them is obligated to cover your losses. 
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V402 – The Insurer “Shall” Pay Attendant Care Assessments

M.F. was injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident on January 29, 2015. A treatment plan requesting approval of an attendant care assessment was denied by her insurer on November 1, 2016. In issuing its denial, Allstate cited that it did “not have sufficient medical information indicating the requirement for personal care needs, that the injuries were essentially soft tissue in nature, and that the applicant’s return to work on a full time basis were inconsistent with a claim for attendant care”. 
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The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned From My Injured Clients

Have you ever been sick with a cold or flu where you’ve laid on the couch and thought, “when I get better, I’m going to exercise more, walk the dog everyday, make time for fun, eat better,” etc.? I have. I think of these as ‘sickbed resolutions.’ You name it and I’ve probably promised myself that I’m going to do it. But just like New Year’s resolutions, I don’t stick with those sickbed resolutions for long. Life gets in the way. Deep down I know that I should be doing the things that I’ve resolved to do but hey, I can always start tomorrow, right? 
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Unmasking Brain Injury Project

Brain injuries are invisible disabilities. They are unseen, hidden and non-visible to most of the population. So are the cognitive, emotional and psychological impacts which can be life altering. The UBI Project aims to increase understanding of what it is like to live with a brain injury, using masks survivors create to represent their personal experiences. 

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