• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

June 29, 2018

The long term outlook for automobile insurance in Canada

In a recent online article, Canadian Underwriter magazine asked the question, Is the sun setting on auto insurance in Canada? In my view, it may be late afternoon for the automobile insurance market, but I think it will be a while yet before the sun fully sets on this line of business. 

What happens when your mechanic gives you insurance advice

After following up on their mechanic’s suggestion to file a retroactive insurance claim, a B.C. couple is now on the hook for an $800.75 repair job to their 2010 Toyota Prius. 

Doug Ford Is Officially Ontario’s Premier, Reveals Cabinet Of 21

TORONTO — Ontario’s new Progressive Conservative government will have a cabinet of 21, including Premier Doug Ford, with key portfolios earmarked for the party’s former interim leader and Ford’s rivals for the top job. 

GoFundMe started for paralyzed man facing eviction

They haven’t come for him yet.

Rohan Salmon, a paralyzed man facing eviction from his Richmond Hill assisted living home, has been given a short reprieve.


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