• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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May 17, 2018

Can I Sue my Insurance Broker for Failing to Make Sure I had Adequate Coverage? 

Anyone selling insurance, whether it is an insurance company, insurance broker, or insurance agent, is obligated to ensure consumers purchasing policies understand the available options and choices for insurance coverage. Accordingly, failure to ensure that a consumer, who is interested in purchasing enhanced coverage is meaningfully informed, can lead to legal liability. This post focuses on automobile insurance in Ontario, but the principles are applicable to other types of insurance. 

http://www.mhalaw.ca/news- resources/legal-blog/can-i- sue-my-insurance-broker-for- failing-to-make-sure-i-had- adequate-coverage


Ontario drivers paying too much for insurance: report

A recent report that examines the profitability of the auto insurance industry in Ontario shows that companies continue to exceed financial expectations, while the province has failed to fulfil its promise of reducing premiums by 15 per cent, says Toronto personal injury and employment lawyer Kevin Marshall

http://www.advocatedaily.com/ kevin-marshall-ontario- drivers-paying-too-much-for- insurance-report.html

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What Is Being Done About Driver Inattention in Ontario?

The results are in: Ontario’s roads, trails, and waterways were more deadly last year than in 2016.

Every year, the OPP reports the number of fatalities on the roads and areas they patrol, and the numbers for 2017 are bleak.

http://www.vandykelaw.ca/2018/ 05/what-is-being-done-about- driver-inattention-in-ontario/

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Non-Attendance of IEs Precludes Insured from Applying to LAT – DW and Heartland Farm Mutual, 2018 CanLII 13145 ON LAT 17-001508

DW was injuredin a car accident on February 16, 2016.  DW applied for medical benefits under the SABs but Heartland denied payment for three treatment plans related to occupational therapy services, a memory foam mattress and a reclining chair.  The denials were based upon DW’s refusal to attend scheduled IEs.  DW asserts that he refused to attend because Heartland failed to provide “the medical and any other reasons” for the examinations as required under the Schedule. 

https://www.deutschmannlaw. com/blog/post/non-attendance- of-ies-precludes-insured-from- applying-to-lat-dw-and- heartland-farm-mutual-2018- canlii-13145-on-lat-17-001508

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Jury Deliberations & Mistrial (An example why Jury Trials for Ontario car accident cases should be abolished)

It’s never ok for Google to be your lawyer. Nor is it ok for Google to be your doctor, dentist, accountant, amateur arborist or veterinarian. You get the picture.

But Google and the internet are a wealth of information. That information can be very helpful at times. At other times, it can be very dangerous. So dangerous in fact just doing a simply Google search as a juror can be cause for a mistrial in an Ontario car accident case.

https://www. torontoinjurylawyerblog.com/ 2018/05/jury-deliberations- mistrial-an-example-why-jury- trials-for-ontario-car- accident-cases-should-be- abolished.html

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Changing the Focus in Medical Negligence

For more than 25 years, the Government of Ontario has provided hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA). The CMPA is the principal provider of defence legal services and indemnity payments for doctors in Canada. Over the last ten years alone, Ontario taxpayers have handed over $1 billion to the CMPA. 

http://otlablog.com/changing- focus-medical-negligence/

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New research helps prove future economic loss claims for plaintiffs with TBIs

A new landmark study on the risk of dementia for individuals who have suffered traumatic brain injuries is a help to plaintiffs with potential future economic loss claims, Toronto critical injury lawyer John McLeish tells AdvocateDaily.com

http://www.advocatedaily.com/ john-mcleish-new-research- helps-prove-future-economic- loss-claims-for-plaintiffs- with-tbis.html

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