• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

May 8, 2018

Law protecting Ontarians from disclosure of police records finally gets green light

Legislation protecting innocent Ontarians from the release of unproven allegations and mental health records in police background checks will finally come into effect nearly three years after it passed unanimously in response to a Toronto Star investigation. 

https://www.thestar.com/news/i nvestigations/2018/05/07/law-p rotecting-ontarians-from-discl osure-of-police-records-finall y-gets-green-light.html

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Plaintiff not obligated to submit her private Facebook photos in Injury Lawsuit 

Increasingly, digital documentation such as private Facebook photographs is requested by defendants in the hope of challenging the plaintiff’s evidence of their injuries, in a personal injury claim.  However, private Facebook photographs are no different than private paper documentation, such as personal letters, and a defendant has no more right to demand disclosure of private digital documentation than they would have to a plaintiff’s private letters or photos, based on mere speculation that they may find damaging evidence against a plaintiff. 

https://www.ilolaw.ca/blogpost /judge-dismisses-defendants- motion-ordering-plaintiff-to- produce-facebook-photos

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There are no minor concussions

Minor concussion is a term often used by people. It isn’t one we hear so much from the medical profession any more though as we come to the understanding that any brain damage is serious and can have long term impacts. We also know that a serious of concussions is even more dangerous to the long term well being of an individual. Regardless of how a concussion is sustained we must consider it as brain damage. 

https://www.deutschmannlaw.com /blog/post/there-are-no-minor- concussions

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