• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

October 1, 2018

Treating Financial Services Consumers Fairly Guideline

Superintendent’s Guideline No. 03/18


There’s a new sheriff in town and it’s called White Burgess | Patrick Brown

For those advancing and defending personal injury claims, counsel beware. There is a new sheriff in town and it is called White Burgess Langille Inman v. Abbott and Haliburton Co. 2015 SCC 23. Since the decision came down from the Supreme Court outlining when to exclude expert evidence, there have been a number of decisions knocking out experts and their opinions. 

This province’s licence suspension system is ‘fundamentally flawed’

TORONTO – Ontario’s ombudsman says the system for notifying drivers that their licence has been suspended is “fundamentally flawed” leaving many people unwittingly driving with invalid licences. 

Insurance to defray potential legal costs gains traction

Buying an insurance policy either before or after litigation commences is relatively new to Canada, but could soon become part of standard procedures, says Dominique Zipper, with DAS, a leader in legal expense insurance. 

Punishing and Deterring SRLs Using Costs Awards: A Failed Strategy?
In early 2012, I had just begun the research that would later be published in May 2013 as the National SRL Study, and was the impetus for the ongoing work of the NSRLP.


Renowned spine surgeon is transforming the way Ontario deals with back pain

A decade ago, the Toronto spine surgeon — hailed as one of the best in the world — found himself apologizing to up to 90 per cent of patients referred to him by family doctors for consultations. “There is really nothing I as a surgeon can do for you,” Rampersaud, 50, recalls telling patient after patient. 

Is there an Alternative to using Opioids to treat Chronic Pain? 

For the past 20 years, pharmaceutical companies, medical literature and the health care community have advocated the effectiveness and use of opioids in alleviating chronic pain.  However, recent reports in the media on the epidemic number of accidental overdoses and cases of opioid addiction have caused many health experts and the public to reverse their opinion on the widespread use of opioids for treating pain. This reversal in thinking about opioids is particularly concerning to persons suffering from chronic pain, many of whom have relied on opioid medications for years to manage their pain.  Although not all health experts agree that opioid medications are not the best option for alleviating pain, the question remains, ‘what alternative treatments are available to effectively manage pain?’ 

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