• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

October 9, 2018

“Justice Must be Seen to be Done”–Are LAT Decisions Truly Independent?

Intrigue and mystery are not words that anyone expects or wants to hear associated with auto insurance, but unfortunately, they apply to a recent case that involved the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT). This is the tribunal where auto insurance disputes between insurers and claimants are adjudicated; it’s the “last stop” for pursuing accident benefits and the highest level you can take your claim. 
Adverse cost insurance

Only around for the last decade, the standards for how adverse cost insurance is used are still being ironed out in the courts, with ambiguity over its status as a disbursement and the requirement to produce it in discovery. And with some policies requiring litigation progress reports, some lawyers say the insurance can compromise solicitor-client privilege. 
Who can be Present at an Examination for Discovery?

Answering the question of who should be allowed to attend at an examination for discovery involves an exercise in balancing two competing interests: the interest of upholding the privacy of examinations as a pre-trial discovery process relevant to the parties’ dispute amongst themselves versus permitting ways to make the discovery process move along more efficiently and more comfortably for each of the parties. 

What is a total loss event? 

Each year there are roughly 150,000 car collisions in Canada. Among these collisions, at least one of the cars is damaged beyond repair. If you don’t have car insurance this can cost you thousands, but what happens if you do have car insurance? This is what is known as a total loss event. 

Under threat: The press and social advocates

Over the past several years, I’ve been more vocal about human rights — in the media in relation to cases I am working on as a lawyer, and on social media to provide reasoned counterpoints to opinions that promote hate. With media attention comes both support and criticism. I’ve been referred to as a “left-wing radical” and “social justice warrior” by the right, and perhaps ironically, a “conservative” by some on the left. I don’t seem to fit into any of the boxes that we define and limit ourselves within. 

Work continues on drug treatments for concussion and TBI

As research continues into brains, concussion, and TBI. We are learning more about how the brain works and how injuries happen.  This has meant that in the last 5 years great strides have been made in the the detection, treatment and recovery from concussion. New thrusts of research are now focused on medications to treat concussion. 

Social murder and the Doug Ford government

In 1845, Friedrich Engels described the phenomena by which working-class residents in Manchester died prematurely because of their living and working conditions. He did not simply label the occurrence as we usually do today: “Premature deaths due to unfortunate circumstances,” but rather coined the term “social murder” to make explicit the source of these premature deaths.



FSRA consultation – this is the new oversight for auto insurance calling for input

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