Insurance company continues to bill widow after she cancels husband’s auto policy

A major Canadian insurance company direct-debited a Toronto-area widow for 16 months even though she cancelled her policy and sold the vehicle when her husband died. As Sean O’Shea reports, the company returned the money after Global News asked why it persisted with making automatic withdrawals.

Spotlight on personal injury law affects reputation

Over the past year, the practices of the personal injury profession, especially in the areas of billing, referral fees and advertising, have come under significantly more public and regulatory scrutiny. 
Under Ford’s plan, it’s the lawyers who win in the end
Court to decide on priority of payment in ATE policy
An Ontario court is deciding who has priority of payment in an After-The-Event (ATE) insurance policy where there may not be any previous agreement for disbursements, says Nick Robson, vice-president and general counsel in the Toronto office of TheJudge Global

A Deductible on Pain and Suffering Damages

In Ontario, if someone injures you in a car accident, you have a legal right to sue them for their wrongdoing.  One of the most common claims in a lawsuit is for pain and suffering (commonly called general damages).  

Cannabis oil: separating fact from fiction

TORONTO — From chronic pain to epilepsy, cannabis oil is being used by Canadians to treat a host of medical conditions. 

Call revived to end ICBC car insurance monopoly

Poor driving habits of British Columbians are leading to more accidents while ICBC is drowning in annual financial losses despite having a monopoly on the auto insurance industry.