• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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February 7, 2019

Fixing Auto Insurance 

Will the Ontario government’s decision to launch a public review of the province’s auto insurance system lead to positive changes for drivers across the province? 
How to find the TVO station https://www.tvo.org/faqs
FSRA speech – Tammy Kirkwood Feb 7 2019
Since 2010 our coverage has been slashed and reduced by the insurers lobbying for changes that increases their profits on the backs of MVA survivors and their families and ultimately us, the tax payer. With every cut to coverage we move closer to public auto insurance. With every ‘threshold’ insurers create, there is a new barrier to access recovery tools. 


FAIR Submission to Proposed FY 2019-20 FSRA Priorities and Budget Consultation Document

Proposed FY 2019-20 FSRA Priorities and Budget Consultation Document January 21, 2019  

Has Intact noticed the impact of pot legalization on auto claims?

Recreational cannabis has been legal for nearly four months, but it’s too early for Canada’s largest property and casualty insurer to tell whether it’s having an impact on auto claims frequency. 

Dr. Stephen Wiseman: Attorney-General David Eby promoting two-tier medicine, something NDP normally opposes

An RCA provides rapid second opinions to doctors who are unable to make a clear diagnosis or whose injured patients are facing delays or complications. An RCA must have competence in musculoskeletal injuries, acute and chronic pain and/or mental health and other psychosocial issues. The idea is that a patient is referred to a chosen RCA within 90 days of the accident and must be seen within 15 days. 

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