• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

August 22, 2019

Auto insurance social contract ‘an illusion’ for many Ontarians

Our financial assistance ranges from a few hundred dollars a month to keep food on the table, to tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for vital rehab services, prosthetic limbs, residential care and even home modifications for wheelchair accessibility where insurers deny their claims for any number of reasons. 

One reason why there’s little relief in sight for auto rates

Vehicle technology is designed to reduce crashes – or at least, the severity – but insurance brokers shouldn’t expect to be able to offer their clients any relief when it comes to their premiums. 

How old Ontario auto cat claims affect Intact’s bottom line

Canada’s largest P&C insurer has been taken by surprise by the number of old Ontario auto claims in which accident victims are trying to get benefits for catastrophic impairment. 

Limiting occupiers’ liability notice to impact accident victims

Proposed legislation that will require individuals to bring claims within 10 days for injuries sustained on private property as a result of negligent snow or ice removal has the potential to bar innocent accident victims from recovering for their losses, says London personal injury lawyer Maia Bent.


Litigation transformation in-house

Insurance companies and other legal departments are beefing up their in-house litigation teams with an eye to gaining greater control in defending matters and pursuing issues proactively on behalf of the organizations they represent. 

What could carriers do if auto regs are loosened?

High loss ratios are creating a cascading series of negative effects and its time to do something about it, says one insurance professional. 

Adverse Costs Insurance an “Access to Justice Issue” -Stewart et al. v. Wood et al., 2019 ONSC 3931

Mr. Stewart, the plaintiff, was driving along an unlit road at night on his way to work when he came on two horses on the road. One horse managed to escape, hit struck the other with the car. The crash severely damaged the car and killed the horse. Mr. Stewart suffered concussion and soft tissue injuries to his neck and back. 

In defence of the jury system in Ontario

On matters concerning injury victims, it is not very often that my views align with those of the defence bar in Ontario. So when I read the submissions made by the Canadian Defence Lawyers (CDL) about the proposed revamping of the jury system and agreed with most of their general points, I must confess that this caused me some concern. As a plaintiff lawyer representing only injury victims, how could it be that I was seemingly on the same page on such an important issue as those who so often stand between victims and their pursuit of justice? 

Crown calls for five year prison sentence for executive who stole $3.4 million from her company

Ruth Seguin, 57, pleaded guilty in June to defrauding Dan Lawrie Insurance Brokers in Hamilton over a period of five years from 2011 to 2016. Much of it was done at the bank by cashing cheques made out to the company, or transferring money from Lawrie accounts to her personal account. 

ICBC unveils overhauled basic insurance premium calculation

As it continues to face intense scrutiny for the province’s high auto insurance rates, the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) has revealed details about its revised basic insurance premium calculation. 

Car Seat Safety Information that Every Parent should Know

Car collisions are the leading cause of death of children in Canada. 1 Some of these tragic outcomes can be prevented or lessened with the correct use of car seats and booster seats, which are carefully engineered to ensure the safety of the most precious little ones in our lives. 

Canadian Pain Patient Survey

One in four Canadians experience Chronic Pain. An estimated 1 million live with severe Chronic Pain.https://chronicpaincanada.com/

Brian Goldfinger Discussing Brain Injury in Personal Injury Claims (Ontario)

Brain injury is right up there with the most serious injury one can get in a bad motor vehicle collision, or accident not caused by motor vehicle collision.The thing about brain injury is that it can often be overlooked, or misunderstood by the general public, or even doctors.

6 Basic Principles of Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is an umbrella term referring to the various capabilities of your brain to reorganize itself throughout life due to your environment, behavior, and internal experiences. To ensure the survival of the species, the human nervous system evolved to adapt to its environment — based on learning from past experiences. This is true for all organisms with a nervous system. 

Symptoms of Brain Damage

The number of traumatic brain injuries are on the rise in Canada. And for this reason, people need to be more informed about the symptoms that brain damage can bring into life.The more that you understand the symptoms, the better you can be prepared to act if you or a loved one starts to show signs of having a brain injury.
Scientists Create Spinal Cord and Brain Injury “EpiPen” – NatureWorldNews.com

New research has led to the creation of what many are calling an “EpiPen” for spinal cord and brain injuries. The new treatment method comes after new research in nanoparticles. Researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of nanoparticles to “program” the body’s immune cells.The body’s natural response to injury can often cause unintended damage.

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