• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

October 29, 2019

Ontario auto regulator: What does it mean to “pay too much?”

With all sides seemingly in agreement that auto insurance in Ontario needs a joint effort to get back in shape, the province’s regulator is poised to make it happen. And this requires a review of how much the auto product should cost, in a perfect world. 

Canada: Improving Catastrophic Changes For The Most Vulnerable Victim Community

The automobile insurance system in Ontario has undergone a series of changes within the past few decades as a result of various efforts by different governments. Each reform has brought a temporary drop in the cost of auto insurance, however, none have been effective in the long run. The Ford Government is working on a plan to reduce the cost of auto insurance for the public and to make the claims process more affordable and accessible for Ontario drivers. 

$2.2-million credit score class action settlement with The Personal approved

A $2.2 million settlement of a class-action privacy lawsuit against The Personal has been approved by a judge, plaintiffs’ law firm Waddell Phillips Professional Corporation announced Monday. 

Ontario Has Announced Significant Changes to Rule 76 Simplified Procedures Action

The Province of Ontario announced major changes to Rule 76 Simplified Procedures Action. The changes which take effect January 1, 2020, will have a significant impact on the litigation of personal injury matters that do not involve threshold issues. 

Striking a jury notice / “wait and see” approach – ONSC

Having the right to a trial by jury is a substantive right and applying to court to strike a jury notice is not an easy application.  Cogent reasons must be presented to succeed in such an application. 

LSO releases 2019 discipline statistics

There was a slowdown at the beginning of 2019 in the number of lawyers and paralegals before the Law Society Tribunal, according to a Law Society of Ontario report released on Oct. 24.  

Court clarifies motor vehicle accident mediation rules

A court ruling which clarifies who pays for mediation in motor vehicle accident claims is a “small victory” for plaintiffs, Ottawa personal injury lawyer Joseph Doris tells AdvocateDaily.com

ICBC faces $400-million hit after court overturns limits on medical experts in lawsuits

VICTORIA — B.C.’s New Democrat government is scrambling to deal with the ramifications of a court ruling that struck down a key part of its auto insurance reforms and could blow a hole in the provincial budget. 

‘Catastrophic’ ICBC fallout if B.C. loses looming court challenge

Last spring, the province brought in major changes to the B.C. auto insurance industry, meant to curb ongoing steep losses at the Insurance Corporation of B.C., but trial lawyers launched two challenges to the reforms. 

How I graduated from university after my TBI

Out of nowhere things can change and make you feel as though everything you’ve worked so hard for doesn’t matter. That happened to me the summer before my last year of university when I was struck by a car, as a pedestrian, on my way to work. 
Simplified procedure is moving to $200,000 as of January 1, 2020 for claims between $35,000 and $200,000 and there will be no juries allowed for these trials, one week maximum trial length and limited costs recovery

Law Document English View


(2) Subrule (1) does not apply in the case of an action that was commenced before January 1, 2020.

11. (1) Paragraph 2 of subrule 76.13 (2) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “$100,000” in the portion before subparagraph i and substituting “$200,000”.

(2) Subrule 76.13 (7) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “$100,000” and substituting “$200,000”.

(3) Subrule 76.13 (8) of the Regulation is amended by striking out “$100,000” and substituting “$200,000”.

(4) Subrules 76.13 (10) and (11) of the Regulation are revoked and the following substituted:


(10) In the case of an action that was commenced on or after January 1, 2002 and before January 1, 2010, subrules (2), (7) and (8) apply as if “$200,000” read “$50,000”.

(11) In the case of an action that was commenced on or after January 1, 2010 and before January 1, 2020, subrules (2), (7) and (8) apply as if “$200,000” read “$100,000”.
 Is this your lawyer?
 Law Society Tribunal Hearing Division Notice of Application – Conduct
 LSO v Thomas Michael Harris File #19H-123

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