• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

October 8, 2019

Supreme Court agrees auto insurance companies can’t retroactively rescind contracts

Canada’s highest court has upheld a lower court’s ruling that auto insurance providers can’t retroactively rescind insurance policies without just cause and at least 15 days notice. 

Victims of incompetent lawyers get payout after probe found gap in compensation system

A man who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars because of a negligent lawyer has finally received partial compensation years after winning a court judgment that has proven unenforceable. 

Legislature didn’t intend tribunal and court to determine same questions, grant different relief

Insured was injured in car accident. Insured alleged that insurer was liable to pay Statutory Accident Benefits and had showed bad faith, negligence, and fraud. Insurer submitted that legislation prevented insured from pursuing claim but did not bar independent claim for bad faith in administration of accident benefits. Insurer successfully moved to strike statement of claim on ground that it disclosed no reasonable cause of action. 

SABS Priority Disputes 101: Help!

It’s a Friday afternoon before a long weekend, of course, and you’ve just received a potential SABS priority dispute. A new Application for Accident Benefits arrives on your desk and the claimant alleges that she was in your insured’s vehicle at the time of the accident. Not surprisingly, you have no record of her under your insured’s policy. 

Medical Records & Personal Injury Cases go hand in hand like….

Sand castles are built of sand.Log cabins are build of wood.Large office towers and built of concrete, steel and glass.
And personal injury and long term disability cases are built of medical records!

The Medical Legal Expert

I represent injured and disabled people in legal cases. A necessary part of any legal action involving an injured person is the medical legal expert. These are doctors and other medical professionals who provide expert evidence about an injured person’s impairments, limitations, cause of impairments and future prognosis. Medical legal experts are paid privately and not through OHIP or some other government funding. 

Get advice from experienced counsel after a fatality: Rastin

If someone dies in an auto accident due to the actions of another driver or the failure of the municipality to maintain the road, remaining family members should retain experienced legal counsel to build a claim for compensation, says Barrie-area personal injury lawyer Steve Rastin.


‘Underinsured coverage’ on personal vehicles does not apply to on-job accidents, court rules

The Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that drivers injured in motor vehicle accidents while on the job cannot access “underinsured coverage” under the insurance policies on their personal, domestic vehicles. Counsel involved in the decision said this case “involved a situation which had not previously been litigated in terms of whether or not specific exclusions in the standard form automobile policy import over to the OPCF 44 Underinsured Endorsement.” 
Immigration consultants and trucking firms with sketchy safety records have found ways to exploit foreign job seekers, sometimes with tragic results when unprepared drivers are sent out on the road, a Globe investigation finds 

What is a Betrayal Trauma?
What is Betrayal Trauma Theory? 

The phrase “betrayal trauma” can be used to refer to a kind of trauma independent of the reaction to the trauma. From Freyd (2008)Betrayal trauma occurs when the people or institutions on which a person depends for survival significantly violate that person’ s trust or well-being: Childhood physical, emotional, or sexual abuse perpetrated by a caregiver are examples of betrayal trauma. 

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