• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

September 26, 2019

David Marshall on why Quebec’s auto insurance system works — and Ontario’s doesn’t

Ontario’s hybrid no-fault/tort insurance system has created a fundamental misunderstanding between private insurers and consumers over the purpose of insurance, which is driving up costs for insurers and consumers alike, says the former Liberal government’s special advisor on auto insurance. 

25-day auto rate approvals? You’re not dreaming….

There’s a new sheriff in town, and Ontario’s freshly-minted auto insurance regulator is gunning for auto rate approvals in 25 days instead of the usual six months. 

‘Boilerplate’ reasons for denying auto claims don’t cut it: Court

Ontario’s Divisional Court ruled this week against Aviva Canada, which wants to challenge a Licence Appeal Tribunal ruling in favour of an auto accident benefits claimant. The case involves how Aviva denied the claim, which was to check a box labelled “medical reason,” with a short, boilerplate descriptor next to the ticked box. 

Half of Canadians admit to using their phone while driving, survey finds

A survey of Canadian drivers has found 53 per cent admitted to driving while distracted by their cellphones at least once in the first three months of 2019. Only 38 per cent of respondents said the same thing last year. 

Your Comprehensive Guide to Catastrophic Injury

Injuries designated as catastrophic are generally those that will impact the rest of your life, such as an amputation, brain damage, or spinal cord damage. Catastrophic injuries often require months of recovery time, rehabilitation, and potentially even a lifetime of at-home care. Despite your trauma and the possibility of never leading a normal life again, insurance companies will often try to deny your catastrophic injury claim. They are focused on making a profit, and paying full catastrophic injury benefits is not in line with the goal of making money. 

Expect social media posts to be produced in injury claim

Private investigators and social media mining are common tactics used by insurance companies to bring the severity or existence of a plaintiff’s injuries into question, says Ontario personal injury lawyer Dale Orlando

How to Delete Facebook Account Permanently

You might have concerns over your online privacy, you are fed up with never-ending status updates from old college friends, or you have realized half of what happens on Facebook isn’t that cool after all. 

Brain injury is linked to developing dementia and Alzheimer’s decades later

Research continues to confirm what many healthcare professionals have suspected for a while p that even one brain injury increases the risk of developing dementia decades later. This is not good news for many of us who have had mild brain injury (concussion) or major brain injury. Many of us will have received a concussion while playing sports in our youth, or later in car accidents or workplace injuries. A leading source of brain injury is assault and those victims may suffer twice from another’s thoughtless act of violence. 

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