• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

November 19, 2019

FAIR Submission to: Draft 2020-21 FSRA Priorities and Budget ID 2019-007

The message received by the public is that the FSRA is so fully stacked with insurers that there will be a singular message coming only from insurers and only in their interests to the Regulator. This does not ‘empower’ consumers who have effectively been silenced by an utter lack of inclusion.


Insurers’ medical examiner gets his day at Supreme Court of Canada

The Supreme Court of Canada is considering whether or not to send an insurance medical examiner’s libel case to trial, based on comments made by a personal injury lawyer about the examiner’s work in a closed forum that got leaked to the general public.

Class action proceeds against pain clinic

The Ontario Superior Court reaffirmed that infectious outbreaks are well suited to class actions, as well as the use of subclasses, when it approved a certification amendment and de-certification motion in a medical infectious outbreak case.
Background info at the bottom of this post: http://www.fairassociation.ca/2019/11/september-5-2019/

Self-regulation: the end of an era? Lawyer discipline and the role of law societies

Anne Rempel has not had a positive experience with self-regulation. She has made two complaints to a Canadian law society, but the process left her feeling the concerns were not entirely addressed by the “black box” system of lawyer discipline. 

Rastin cautiously optimistic about simplified procedure changes

A series of amendments to Rule 76, which governs actions proceeding under the simplified procedure, will take effect Jan. 1, 2020, including the doubling of the monetary jurisdiction for simplified actions from $100,000 to $200,000, the imposition of a hard five-day cap on trial length, and the elimination of juries, he says.

Distracted driving

First it was seat belts, then it was impaired driving, now, distracted driving. There are many forms of distracted driving that can arise in motor vehicle accident litigation. During the examination for discovery process there will be questions posed by lawyers on both sides about whose fault the accident was. Experienced trial lawyers, such as members of OTLA, have particular and special experience in determining this question known as ‘liability’.


New Data on Disability in Canada, 2017


Ontario Government Changes To Disability Payments Should Be Reconsidered: Advocates

TORONTO — Advocates are calling on the Ontario government to reconsider its plan to narrow eligibility requirements for provincial disability payments and potentially cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the social services ministry in future years. 


Welfare in Canada

Households that qualify for basic social assistance payments also qualify for other financial support

Online Concussion Support Group

The Online Concussion Support Group welcomes you to a safe place where you can share your frustrations and struggles and connect with others who have had similar experiences.


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