• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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Libby Znaimer “Fight Back” Radio program at Zoomer radio with Jokelee Vanderkop

June 1 and the hefty cuts to auto insurance benefits plus a redefinition of what is catastrophic, working against someone who is catastrophically injured, came into effect. We are told that our premiums are going down. The catch is that they are only going down for some (7%) max so far, but benefits are also down. Nice way to finance the premium reduction for those with perfect driving records. Libby Znaimer of Zoomerradio, with her program, “Fight Back”, had me on her show yesterday to give an opinion other than what an insurance broker would represent.

Listen to the show: http://www.zoomerradio.ca/show/fight-back-on-zoomer-radio/michael-brattman-jokelee-vandekop-june-1/

More on upcoming appearnaces:


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