• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education


Ritorto and Allstate [+] Arbitration, 2006-03-03


In mid-November 2003, a Designated Assessment Centre reviewed Dr. Simone’s proposal to continue Mrs. Ritorto’s therapy. Dr. Ameis relied on the recommended time periods for treatment in theGuideline protocols for his opinion that the plan expense was not reasonable or necessary. In his testimony, he agreed with the underlying theory that no further healing or pain control results from treating soft tissue injuries of this nature beyond six weeks.

Dr. Ameis did not examine Mrs. Ritorto and therefore did not have the opportunity to assess her pre-existing condition or the possibility that her symptoms might fall outside usual norms that would take her out of the Guideline’s treatment protocols. The undisputed evidence is that Mrs. Ritorto’s poor posture aggravated her accident-related symptoms, and Dr. Ameis’ failure to address her poor posture is my reason not to rely on his opinion about Gateway’s treatment.

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