• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education


Fournie and Coachman Insurance [+] Arbitration, 2010-02-12


I have two concerns with MDAC’s assessment of Mr. Fournie. Firstly, there was no evidence presented at the hearing to indicate that the MDAC assessors had consulted on the final opinion, had seen the executive summary or, in fact, agreed with the final opinion. The executive summary and final report did not indicate that the individual assessors had signed off on it. Dr. Ameis, who is the controlling mind behind MDAC, stated that before completing the executive summary he did not consult with the psychiatrist or occupational therapist who assessed Mr. Fournie for MDAC. He gave evidence that he had consulted with Dr. MacCallum, but could not remember where or when and would not be able to provide proof of a consensus meeting with him. He gave evidence on cross-examination that he did not consult with the psychiatrist or occupational therapist when determining Mr. Fournie’s final WPI percentage. Demetrios Kostadopoulos, the occupational therapist who gave evidence for Coachman, stated that he did not know if his assessment was provided to subsequent assessors. Furthermore, he was not provided with other assessors’ reports, nor did he have any recollection of MDAC’s executive summary being provided to him.

Secondly, Dr. Ameis’ evidence on assigning a WPI of 26% to Mr. Fournie also causes me concern. Dr. MacCallum, in his report, clearly states that he leaves the determination of the final WPI to the consensus process. Dr. MacCallum does not give his opinion on Mr. Fournie’s final WPI and Dr. Ameis provided no evidence that he ever got an opinion from Dr. MacCallum on Mr. Fournie’s final WPI. Dr. Ameis stated that he did consult with Dr. MacCallum, but cannot remember when. For an issue as important as the determination of an individual’s impairments and that individual’s access to future benefits, one would think MDAC would have taken more care in keeping records of its assessments. I find that Dr. MacCallum did not give a final opinion on Mr. Fournie’s WPI. Instead, I find that the final WPI percentage score is Dr. Ameis’ opinion.

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