• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education


Turner and State Farm [+] Arbitration, 2004-04-28, Reg 403/96


…This examination was done by Dr. Robert Fielden, an orthopaedist…..State Farm knew of the diagnosis and of Mr. Turner’s history of treatment in this regard, when it chose to have Dr. Fielden examine him in 2002.

He concluded that Mr. Turner “does not suffer a complete inability to engage in any employment.” A Functional Abilities Evaluation done by Jodi Levstein on the same day resulted in the same conclusion. Based on the conclusions of Dr. Fielden and Jodi Levstein, State Farm terminated weekly income replacement benefits on July 9, 2002 .

…as far back as 1999, long before Mr. Turner was examined by Dr. Fielden in April 2002. It made its adjusting decision on the basis of the opinion it obtained from Dr. Fielden’s report. Nothing has changed. There is no ongoing adjusting of a changing or evolving claim. State Farm has maintained its position.

Indeed, when I asked counsel for State Farm how the requested examination would contribute to an adjusting decision, she could offer no insight at all in this regard. Her reply was that the decision was up to the adjuster. She submitted that the Insurer had stated the purpose of the examination in the notice sent to Mr. Turner, and it was not open to an arbitrator to “second- guess” ; that decision. As I pointed out above, the cases do not support this approach.

In the circumstances of this case, where some six months after mediation failed and four months after Mr. Turner applied for arbitration, the Insurer seeks to clarify information it has been aware of for years, the Insurer must provide a better explanation lest the inference be drawn that what the Insurer really seeks is ammunition for the arbitration proceeding. I conclude that this is the likely reason for the request.

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