• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education


MC v KE, 2013 CanLII 55435 (ON HPARB), 2013-09-04


7.           […]The Respondent notified the Committee that, through the complaints process, she had discovered that Riverfront Medical Services (Riverfront), the company through which the Applicant’s assessment was contracted, had changed the Respondent’s report without her prior knowledge or consent.

9.                  As a result of its investigation, the Committee decided to take no further action, noting that the Respondent reported information that she considered to be accurate and that there did not appear to be any indication that the Respondent intentionally falsified factual information in the report or that she misrepresented information about the Applicant’s abilities during the assessment.

10.              However, the Committee did express concern about the information uncovered during the course of the investigation related to Riverfront having altered the Respondent’s report. The Committee noted the “egregious” impact that these changes could have had on the Applicant’s entitlement to benefits. In the result, the Committee decided to offer advice to the Respondent about the importance of ensuring that she personally reviews and approves any assessment report she completes prior to the report being issued.

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