• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education


JV v HAP, 2013 CanLII 59329 (ON HPARB) — 2013-09-20


The Complaint and the Response

5.                  The Applicant complained about the Respondent’s examination and conclusion. She took issue with many aspects of the assessment. For example, the Respondent concluded that the Applicant suffered from significant lower back pain several times a month while the Applicant asserted she experiences such pain every day. The Respondent noted a curvature of the spine in the IME report, which the Applicant complained was false. The Respondent concluded that the Applicant was not impaired by any accident related injury from continuing her schooling and the Applicant complained that this assessment was false.

6.                  In addition, the Applicant complained about the way in which the Respondent conducted the IME, alleging that the Respondent rushed through the assessment, failed to conduct a physical examination, and failed to consider x-ray and radiographic reports.

7.                  The Respondent provided a detailed rebuttal of the allegations, explaining the basis for each conclusion in his observations during the IME or the available medical records. He noted that all available records were reviewed, and that a physical examination was not necessary for the IME. Further, he denied that the IME was rushed, or conducted in an improper fashion.

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