• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

May 14, 2018

Belairdirect wins court battle with Ontario clinics it suspected of fraud

Charmaine Green was involved in a car accident on Sept. 20, 2009 that led her to apply for a no-fault statutory accident benefit from her insurance provider, Belairdirect.

It’s what happened next that led Belairdirect, which is owned by Intact Financial Corporation, to take on two health care clinics in court

https://www.lowestrates.ca/new s/belair-wins-court-battle-ont ario-clinic-suspected-fraud- 25138

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Paralegal license revoked for dishonest dealings with insurers

Ontario’s legal regulator has revoked the license of a Richmond Hill paralegal for professional misconduct, finding that he misrepresented himself to insurance companies in accident benefits claims. 

https://www.canadianunderwrite r.ca/insurance/paralegal- license-revoked-dishonest- dealings-insurers-1004131589/

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Brokers worried that Ontario auto problems will force companies to exit market

Traci Boland, chairwoman of the Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO), spoke to Canadian Underwriter Thursday about trends in Ontario auto (as well as home and commercial lines). She said that companies are filing for rate increases, but not getting them; sometimes, not even close to what they were requesting. 

https://www.canadianunderwrite r.ca/brokers/brokers-worried-o ntario-auto-problems-will-forc e-companies-exit-market-100413 1579/

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Texters who distract drivers could be held liable in accidents: insurance expert

MONTREAL — An insurance and legal expert says texters could be held liable for any damages if they message someone they know is driving and that person has an accident.

“There’s an increasing public safety issue of operators of vehicles who are distracted while driving,” lawyer Jordan Solway said in a recent interview.

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/text ers-distract-drivers-could- held-110004612.html

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Consumers risk being sued for online criticism

A Canadian woman posted some negative comments on the internet about a restoration company in Ottawa and now the company is threatening to sue her for damage to its reputation. 

http://www.rcinet.ca/en/2018/0 5/11/defamation-critical-revie ws-internet-law/

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Why are we more susceptible to developing Alzheimer’s after brain injury?

A post on this blog by Alison discussed research which suggests that those of us who have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) have a higher risk of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s, one of the causes of dementia. 

https://torontobraininjuryblog .com/2018/05/14/why-are-we- more-susceptible-to- developing-alzheimers-after- brain-injury/

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Personal injury lawyers want NL to push back insurance review

With Newfoundland and Labrador’s Public Utilities Board (PUB) set to hold hearings on the province’s auto insurance review, a group of lawyers is demanding for more time to allow it to weigh in on the issue. 

https://www.insurancebusinessm ag.com/ca/news/legal-expenses/ personal-injury-lawyers-want- nl-to-push-back-insurance- review-100515.aspx

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Eby: ICBC is a “decade behind” in terms of changes

British Columbia’s attorney general has issued a statement reaffirming the government’s decision to reform the province’s failing auto insurer. 

https://www.insurancebusinessm ag.com/ca/news/breaking-news/ eby-icbc-is-a-decade-behind- in-terms-of-changes-100497. aspx

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