• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

June 27, 2018

Insurance lawyer questions whether LAT has ‘appearance’ of fairness

An anonymous letter about how an auto injury claim was handled by the Ontario License Appeal Tribunal raises “concerns” about the LAT decision-making process, an insurance lawyer warns. 

Auto insurer on hook for $300K after client address mix-ups

An Ontario court recently ordered Gore Mutual Insurance Company to pay a $300,000 balance owing on a settlement judgment, after finding that the inability of the company and its lawyers to locate their insured car owner and her son (who was involved in an accident) did not mean the car owner client was trying to evade the legal process. 


In his third Annual Report as Ombudsman, Paul Dubé details the highlights of the 21,154 complaints his office received from the public in 2017-2018, and the “positive change” sparked by its investigations.


Wednesday: What’s Hot on CanLII 


Wildlife Collisions on Ontario Highways

From moose to bears to elk and other large species, our majestic wildlife is part of what makes Ontario’s natural environments such special places. But when wildlife and vehicles are sharing the same space, tragedy can easily occur for both humans and animals.  According to the BC-based Wildlife Collision Prevention Program, there are 4 to 8 large animal-vehicle collisions every hour in Canada. And every year here in Ontario, hundreds of people are seriously injured in accidents involving large animals. Tragically, some lose their lives. 

Richmond Hill assisted living home attempting to evict quadriplegic man 

This is the only home Rohan Salmon has known since the day, almost 16 years ago, his car rolled over and left him a quadriplegic.

Now he lies bedridden, catching his breath every time there is a knock on the door, afraid it could be the sheriff coming to take him away.

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