• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

July 12, 2018

Did a whistleblower cause the reversal of an Ontario car insurance decision?

If you’ve ever had a disagreement regarding an automobile insurance payout, maybe you should pay attention to this article. If you’re one of the applicants to the Ontario Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) – nearly 6,000 in its first year alone –  seeking damages from an insurance company following an auto collision, then maybe your lawyer should be paying attention. 

Justice Must Not Only Be Done, it Must be Seen

This decision, Mary Shuttleworth v. License Appeal Tribunal, 2018 ONSC 3790, concerns a claimant who brought a dispute over statutory accident benefits to the License Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”), arising from a motor vehicle collision. The LAT has statutory authority to hear all disputes related to benefits under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (“SABS”). 

What the court said about a family law approach to “spouse” in auto AB claim

The meaning of the term “spouse” under the Family Law Act is not applicable when determining eligibility for accident benefits under an auto insurance policy, an Ontario court has ruled in a priority dispute between insurers. 

Who Pays After An Accident In A Work Vehicle?

If you are injured while driving a company vehicle, you may wonder who is going to pay for your hospital bills as well as any damage to the company car. Are you on the hook, or will your employer cover it? What about if the accident was caused by another driver? 

Practical Strategies Webinar: Uncharted Waters – Navigating the GOS-E

The webinar is chaired by Carr HatchThomson, Rogers –  Carr is a Partner with Thomson, Rogers. He practices in the field of civil litigation with a focus on personal injury litigation. Carr has represented clients at trial at the Superior Court of Justice as well as the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. His practice is dedicated to helping victims and their families achieve the best possible results when they have suffered serious personal injuries. In his spare time, Carr enjoys playing tennis, hockey, soccer and golf. He currently coaches competitive youth soccer and hockey teams in Toronto. 


Ontario injured workers shut out of medical pot coverage — told to take opioids instead

Many injured workers in Ontario are being given an ultimatum: take potentially addictive cocktails of opioids and other pharmaceuticals, or pay for your own help, a CBC Toronto investigation has revealed. 

Non-Surgical Recovery of Function: Not a Fantasy

That’s the killer sentence from a new study soon to be published in the Journal of Neurotrauma. The principal investigator is our old friend, Professor Reggie Edgerton, who has been looking for ways to help people with chronic spinal cord injury since the late 1960s. I’ve met him a number of times in my own efforts to get my head around the difficulty of restoring function. In the small, intense universe of SCI research, he’s a sort of godfather — having mentored and trained a great many of the students currently on the hunt for therapies. 


Guideline For Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury & Persistent Symptoms


Music May Help Your Brain Learn to Walk Again

New research out of the University of Toronto suggests that music may help spinal injury patients move their legs again. Conducted by Michael Thaut, the director of Music and Health Research Collaboratory at the university, his research suggests all movements have some form of natural rhythm to them. Thaut then analyzed the effects of taking this natural rhythm and harnessing it as a rehabilitation tool for patients learning to walk again.


ICBC Claim Changes Won’t Fix Insurer’s Woes

Few of us have a deep understanding of the details of auto insurance, but the financial crisis at ICBC required Attorney General David Eby, the minister responsible, to become a reluctant quick study. 

Court Finds “After the Event” Insurance a Factor To Consider When Awarding Post Trial Costs

In the recent case (Clubine v. Paniagua) the Plaintiff was injured in a crash and sued for damages.  Prior to trial the Defendant offered to resolve the claim for a total of $94,848.32 plus costs and disbursements.  The Plaintiff rejected this offer and proceeded to trial where he was awarded a total of $77,224.32 in damages.  The Defendant asked for costs of the trial arguing their offer should have been accepted. 

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