• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

November 8, 2018

Ontario’s distracted driving penalties changing

 The existing fines and penalties for distracted driving will increase on January 1, 2019.
Drivers with A to G licences
If you have an A, B, C, D, E, F and/or G licence, starting January 1, 2019 you’ll face:
For your first conviction:
  • a fine of up to $1,000
  • three demerit points
  • a three-day day driver’s licence suspension

V801 – Apprehension of Bias in Insurer Examination Reports

Insurer imposed examinations tend to have quite significant impact upon our clients. Such examinations are not only disruptive to routine, but they are often also perceived as being invasive, stressful, and frightening. Our clients often feel as though they are dismissed, rushed and not listened to in the course of being examined. Following examination, our clients are then left to experience many weeks of worry as to whether their claims for benefits may be discontinued or denied. 
V802 – An Insurer’s Obligation to Pay Rent

People sometimes need to move out of their existing residences and into new ones following motor vehicle accidents. This may occur due to accessibility issues such as can arise following spinal cord injury. It may also occur when injured people live in remote locations and have difficulty accessing care post-accident. Relocations are sometimes short-term solutions, necessary only in the acute injury period, but they can also be permanent in nature. 

“The Times They Are A-Changing” – Instagram and Facebook Evidence Ordered to be Produced – Isacov v Schwartzberg, 2018 ONSC 5933 (CanLII)

SOCIAL MEDIA: private versus public profile; right to of plaintiff to maintain private information private; right of defendant to have access to information; does mere proof of the existence of a Facebook profile does not entitle a party to gain access to all material placed on that site; the presentation of some evidence that a party possesses a relevant document before a court can order production;  where the plaintiff puts her social enjoyment of life in issue and alleges various activities that she is unable to do then photographs of her social life and activities, before and after the alleged trauma, which exists on social media accounts, are produceable as having some semblance of relevance and should be part of her Affidavit of Documents; whether they are ultimately produceable at trial will be a determination made by the trial judge 

Crashes with cyclists and pedestrians are on the rise locally

The Region of Waterloo 2017 Collision Report shows the amount of crashes between cars and cyclists went up 13 per cent from 2016.


Ontario Tories to unveil social assistance reforms on Nov. 22

Ontario’s Progressive Conservative government is poised to unveil reforms to the province’s social assistance programs on Nov. 22.

In a statement on Wednesday, Children, Community and Social Services Minister Lisa Macleod said the government has spent 100 days carving out a plan to reform Ontario’s “disjointed patchwork” of programs.


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