• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

Latest News Articles

May 17, 2019

Making auto reform happen

Insurance reform is long overdue, says the head of a medical evaluation company. 

Personal injury fakers should be prosecuted: Ford

Police should consider laying fraud charges when surveillance evidence reveals accident victims have been faking their injuries, says Toronto orthopaedic spine and trauma surgeon Dr. Michael Ford.   

FOLA: Province paying lip service to consultation on critical issues

The Ontario government’s lack of commitment to meaningful consultation is striking another blow to access to justice, says Michael Winward, chair of The Federation of Ontario Law Associations (FOLA). 

Lawyers frustrated by vacancies at Human Rights Tribunal

Lawyers are concerned vacancies at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario are contributing to significant delays and weakening human rights protections in the province. 

Bill 60, Ministry of Community and Social Services Amendment Act (Social Assistance Research Commission), 2019

The Bill amends the Ministry of Community and Social Services Act to establish the Social Assistance Research Commission. The Commission recommends social assistance rates, and makes other recommendations about social assistance policy. The Commission consists of people with expertise relevant to the Commission’s work. 

Link Found Between Chronic Pain And Prematurely Aging Brains

Scientists have long recognized the human brain appears to keep time to its own internal clock, its biological age speeding or slowing depending on a host of factors. 

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