• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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FSCO 3 yr Review on auto insurance submissions due March 31st

Time is running out to let our government know about how consumers and accident victims feel about the quality of Ontario’s automobile insurance coverage. Let your voice be heard before the government caves in again to the demands of Ontario’s wealthy insurance providers and forgets – it matters what happens when you have to use the policy only to find out the coverage isn’t there or you’ve been denied on the basis of a bogus medical report or you are without treatment you need or without the basics to survive or your claim has been stalled or you are sick of being under surveillance or any of the other issues that you feel the government has failed to address. Like Bill 171 and restricting access to justice for accident victims. But be heard, don’t let the industry and the IBC drown out your concerns and tell them that you “understand the significance of what has happened with auto insurance in Ontario in the last six months” alright – accident victims’ coverage and access to benefits have been under attack.  http://www.bramptonguardian.com/opinion-story/4431169-letter-insurance-rates-falling/ 

For more information on the current review: http://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/Pages/ontario-auto-insurance-3-yr-review.aspx

The last Five Year Review was July 14, 2008. A total of 90 submissions were received.   http://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/5yr-review/Pages/default.aspx

The resulting report led to the 2010 slashes to coverage with MIG. See the Five Year Review of Automobile Insurance March 31 2009  http://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/5yr-review/Documents/FiveYearReviewReport.pdf

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