• FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education
  • FAIR – supporting auto accident victims through advocacy and education

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FAIR Submission to Auto Insurance 3 Year Review

We now have an insurance industry that appears to be spending more money to assess injuries than it does treating those injuries and this practice drives the claims costs up dramatically. Some insurers will assess victims until they get the report they want. Or pay exorbitant prices to assessors for preparation for court hearings that equates to more than they would pay in a year of income replacement. Those are the same claims costs that Ontario’s insurers complain about and that are generated at their end of the business. Rather than control their spending, it has become a game of slash the benefits at every opportunity to preserve their profit margins. It’s irresponsible to pass on the expenses of the often incompetent insurer or their deceptive business practices onto the claimant or pass these costs on to all of Ontario’s drivers through premiums.

FAIR Submission to the 3 Year Review March 31 2014 (1)

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