Author Archives: Admin4

‘Countless’ accident benefits claims will arise from Toronto van attack

Accident benefits claims arising from the April 23 tragedy in north Toronto could cost insurers millions of dollars, an insurance lawyer suggested Thursday.

Assessments mess

In March 2017, an Ontario Divisional Court ruling had sharp words for the province’s Ministry of the Attorney General over issues with its assessments office. A year later, another case has surfaced critiquing the assessments office and suggesting a review is needed about the way the process is done.  In the most recent ruling — released this month — Ontario Superior Court Justice Patrick Monahan said the government should conduct a review of the process for assessing lawyers’ accounts because of delays that are undermining public confidence in the administration of justice.

Court finds tribunal secrecy unconstitutional in response to Star challenge

Denying journalists access to Ontario tribunal records is an unconstitutional “infringement” of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms that the Attorney General of Ontario has failed to justify, a sweeping court decision prompted by a Toronto Star challenge has concluded.

Our Community Deserves Fair Auto Insurance

It’s 2018 and the Downsview community still pays some of the highest auto insurance rates in the country.

I raised the issue of auto insurance company discrimination towards our community as far back as 2012 when I co-hosted a crowded town hall meeting with Ontario NDP leader, Andrea Horwath. Local residents were angry about sky-high premiums and a lack of government action on this important issue.

Policies & Practices

Vision Zero policies and practices aim at the implementation of safe systems. This entails failsafe road and vehicle design, with the legislation and budgeting that put it into action.

Scroll down for video introductions, and for a list of safety tips from Canada’s leading Vision Zero expert.

Letting Big Brother track your driving could make you a better driver and save you money

Would you let your auto insurance company track your daily driving behaviour for a discounted rate?

That could soon be a reality, according to UBC researchers who say usage-based insurance (UBI) is expected to be used by 142 million people by 2023.

Disability Insurance vs Instagram

Did you hear the story of Samuel Archibald? He’s a Canadian author who made headlines when he went public after his disability claim for depression was denied because the insurer said photos he’d posted on Instagram and other social media sites showed he looked active, in shape and happy.

A Caution about Cautions, SCERPs and Remedial Programs – The Impact of Publication

“…Health regulatory colleges should consider the effect of public disclosure of ICRC1 screening outcomes on their own decision-making. Traditionally, screening outcomes have been viewed as educational. In upholding ICRC decisions related to cautions, reviewing courts have pointed to the fact that cautions are “remedial in nature” and therefore distinct from sanctions and that they are not recorded in the public register or publicised. If cautions and other screening outcomes are made publicly available, will they be subject to increased judicial scrutiny? Health regulatory colleges may need to consider increasing procedural protections afforded to members at the screening stages to avoid judicial criticism.” 2

Improving accessibility standards for employment

We are updating our accessible employment standards to make employment more accessible to people with disabilities. Share your ideas on how public and private employers can remove employment barriers to accessibility.

Your feedback will help the Employment Standards Development Committee, draft final recommendations for the Minister Responsible for Accessibility to consider.

ICBC “Minor Injury” Tribunal Designed To Be Unfair

This week the BC Government is debating amendments to laws creating the Civil Resolution Tribunal to expand their powers to have mandatory jurisdiction over “minor” injury litigation.

As previously discussed, the word “minor” is being used to mislead the public.  The Government has defined the word to include many serious and disabling injuries including