Author Archives: Admin4

Why can’t juries handle the truth?

“Do you swear that the evidence you give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

That is the standard of truth which our courts expect of every witness.

But it is not the standard by which the real story is presented to every jury.

New way for banks to dodge Bank Act prohibitions regarding insurance

Canada’s mutual insurers are concerned about new provisions in Bill C-74, tabled last week in the House of Commons, that could indirectly allow banks to share their information with insurance companies, currently disallowed under the Bank Act.

The most common auto insurance myths to look out for in 2018

If you are driving a car in Canada then by law you are required to have auto insurance to avoid being heavily fined. Whether you’re in Ontario and sourcing your insurance through a private company, or in British Columbia getting your insurance from the government, everyone should have some experience with auto insurance. Why, then, is it that there are still so many grey areas that could trick you into forking out more than necessary?

We uncovered nine of the most common auto insurance myths in 2018 so that you can stay smart when hunting for the right policy.

Relief Ahead for Claimants, Attendant Care Providers and Case Managers

In April FSCO will release a bulletin clarifying insurer obligation to pay the total monthly benefit calculated on the Form 1 for Attendant Care, and that the Levels are merely an aid to calculation. Further, they are making a revision to the Attendant Care Rate Guideline, removing the language that says that insurers are not liable to pay for expenses related to attendant care costs rendered to an insured person that exceed the maximum hourly rates The Guideline change makes the Bulletin enforceable, so that claimants and provider will be better able get these disputes resolved or make complaints to Market Conduct.   In sum, we will have a FSCO-supported return to pre-LAT decision status quo.

What is The New Canada Caregiver Tax Credit?

The new Canada caregiver credit is a non-refundable tax credit that may be available to you if you support a spouse, common-law partner or a dependent with a physical or mental impairment. It combines the old caregiver credit, the family caregiver credit and the credit for infirm dependants age 18 or older. It is meant to simplify the process of applying the credits for those who qualify.

Here’s What to Do if You Get Into a Car Crash in Brampton

Whether or not driving in Brampton is really that bad is up for debate, but what happens when you get into a nearly inevitable crash here?

From fender benders to the more serious crashes, there are a few things you should do if you end up in a collision.

TTC riders on social assistance can start applying for fare discounts

Starting Wednesday, TTC riders who receive social assistance through Ontario Works or the Ontario Disability Support Program can start applying to ride the rocket at discounted rates. 

With the Fair Pass Discount program, single rides will cost $2 instead of the regular PRESTO card fare of $3 and monthly TTC passes can be bought for $115.50.

PTSD and Catastrophic Injury

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder caused by a major physical or emotional trauma. It commonly affects traumatic accident victims.

According to the Oxford Medical Dictionary, the onset PTSD occurs at least one month after the traumatic experience. PTSD victims report flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety. PTSD victims also engage in avoidance behaviors. For example, motor vehicle accident victims often develop PTSD in the form of driving anxiety. Occasionally, the anxiety is so severe that these individuals avoid all forms of motor vehicle transportation.

Forging friendship through tragedy after a brain injury

A remarkable friendship is developing between two people brought together by tragedy.

Both have acquired brain injuries.

Now one is helping the other realize her dream of coming home.

Injured workers group holds rally

Memebers and supporters of the Thunder Bay and District Injured Workers Support Group brought their demands to the constituency office of MPP Michael Gravelle.

Similar rallies took place across the province with the groups looking for the provincial government to take action and bring back fairness to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB).