Author Archives: Admin4

Ontario Auto Rates Steady In 2016 But Only After Benefit Cuts

FSCO’s latest quarterly rate approval numbers have been released and at least rates are holding steady for now. However, considering the statutory accident benefit cuts that became effective on June 1, 2016, consumers are getting less coverage but paying about the same money.

Bad client – what about bad lawyers!

In the article “Why It’s Good Business to Fire a Client”posted January 24th in SLAW online legal magazine outlines all that is wrong with “bad” clients for the lawyer and why they need to be fired. Let’s not forget the “bad” lawyers and why some clients have to go from one to another.

Sickening, gruelling or frightful: how doctors measure pain

When investigating pain, the basic procedure for clinics everywhere is to give a patient the McGill pain questionnaire. Developed in the 1970s by two scientists, Dr Ronald Melzack and Dr Warren Torgerson, both of McGill University in Montreal, it is still the main tool for measuring pain in clinics worldwide.

Author shares ‘Long Road Back’ from traumatic brain injury

A Canandaigua woman has published a book about experiences with her husband’s traumatic brain injury

Court Orders Several Injury Claims Tried Together Due to Fraud Allegations

In today’s case (ICBC v. Singh) the court reviewed an application requesting that seven personal injury actions involving motor vehicle accident claims related to three separate collisions be tried together.

Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario suspends partnership with Aviva Canada

The Insurance Brokers Association of Ontario (IBAO) announced on Monday that it is formally suspending its sponsorship partnership with Aviva Canada “for the foreseeable future.”

Medical paper trail helpful in chronic pain claims

“Often when clients with a history of fibromyalgia or similar type of chronic pain are involved in an accident or a slip and fall, the nature of that pain is accelerated,” Singer says. “That nature of pain is not uncommon.

WSIB lifts lid on secret drug list for injured workers

The list of drugs covered by the province’s compensation board is now publicly available, after years of criticism from labour advocates who claimed the board’s secretive drug policies put injured workers at risk.

Patient Demand For Health Care Is Eric Hoskins’ Biggest Problem

Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins has many big problems on his hands. He’s locked in a protracted dispute with Ontario’s doctors. He’s got angry nurses to deal with. His own health-care bureaucrats have given him dismal approval ratings. He’s got to support a premier who’s ridiculously unpopular. And probably a whole host more.

The Joint OPA/CAPDA Guidelines for Best Practices in Psychological Insurer Examinations