Author Archives: Admin4

The “Trumpification” of Lawyer Advertising – Reflections of a Personal Injury Lawyer

Watching Donald Trump, we see the self-aggrandizing sales themes he has become known for. Amongst others, they seem to be “I am the best“, “I am the toughest” and “I am the most successful“.

FSRA needs independent rule-making authority to work

Ontario’s new and soon to be launched Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) will need to be accompanied by a rule-making authority, according to George Cooke, chair of the Board of Directors of OMERS Administration Corporation. He says that such an authority is needed to ensure the FSRA is effective as an independent consumer-focused regulator.

What’s Happening in Canada’s Civil Courts?

According to Statistics Canada data from the annual Civil Court Survey[1] over the most recent five years for which data are available, between 2010-11 and 2014-15, the number of civil cases has fallen. The total number of cases initiated between 2010-11 and 2014-15 declined by 4.7% from 493,785 to 470,622. The total number of active cases declined by 1.5% from 921,328 to 907,206 and the number of active cases with a disposition within the fiscal year declined by 2.8%from 553,597 to 537.909.

Ontario failing to release reports of complaints against judges

The provincial government is failing to provide the public with up-to-date information on complaints filed against provincial court judges and justices of the peace.

Toronto Star’s View: Stop dirty doctors from practising

Finally. A court has called out the discipline committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario for handing out a “litany of clearly unfit penalties” for dirty doctors.

When Doctors Are Actually “Hired Guns”

Would an insurance company be so driven to deny benefits to an injured person that they would spend more on medical assessments than on actual injury compensation?

How to Save on Auto Insurance

The price you pay for auto insurance varies based on the insurance company you select. Don’t assume companies charge the same price for the exact same benefits. By shopping around you may be able to find a lower rate based on your insurer’s claims experience for your risk characteristics, how it rates you as a driver, and the competition it faces. Be a comparison shopper. Talk to your friends and neighbours. Make some phone calls and check websites for on-line quotes. Do your shopping well in advance of when your current policy expires.

Wider mandate for Ontario’s auto insurance regulator would be welcomed

A wide mandate for the body regulating Ontario’s auto insurance sector – one that promotes competition, innovation and responsiveness – would be welcomed, Karin Ots, senior vice president of regulatory and government relations for Aviva Canada, suggested Thursday during a panel discussion in downtown Toronto.

Rule-making authority essential for Ontario’s new FSRA: Cooke

Equipping Ontario’s new Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) with rule-making authority is critically important to ensuring its effectiveness as an independent, flexible and consumer-focused regulator of financial services and pensions, argues George Cooke, chair of the Board of Directors of OMERS Administration Corporation.

Neuropsychological Assessments and the $2,000 AB Cap

In September of 2010, the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) were amended with respect to Costs of Examinations.  A cap of $2,000.00 was placed on each assessment completed, either for the insured or the insurer.