Author Archives: Admin4

How Many People Fall on Snowy and Icy Sidewalks in Toronto? A Lot.

Toronto’s first major snowfall of the year usually results in collisions on city streets and highways. But icy sidewalks have also been an ongoing problem—and a recent study shows the effects they have on both pedestrians and local hospitals.

Inequality and the Basic Income Guarantee

To understand how basic income could affect inequality, we first need to illustrate the current levels of both income and wealth inequality. To do this, we will imagine an island with a population of ten Americans, divided into fifths by income and wealth.

$65,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment for Concussion with Lingering Headaches

In today’s case (Barr v. Accurate Transmission and Driveline) the Plaintiff was struck by a vehicle while in a cross walk.  She sustained a concussion with various lingering post concussive symptoms.

AUDIO Healthcare Oversight

Do doctors in this province need more oversight? Ontario’s health minister thinks so.

A Victory for Freedom of Speech and Injured Victims


Justice Sean Dunphy granted summary judgment and dismissed Doctor Howard Platnick’s defamation lawsuit that he had brought against personal injury lawyer Maia Bent. Equally important was his finding that Dr. Platnick had likely altered medical reports that ultimately resulted in an injured person being denied needed benefits.

WP Magazine

We are now a few months into the Brave New World of Post FSCO ADR, otherwise known as the Land of LAT. The decisions that have been released have been widely reported and analyzed.

Disgraced dentist turned foot doctor could be deemed ‘incompetent’ for 2nd time

A banned dentist-turned-foot-doctor could be deemed “incompetent” for the second time and will — again — face a disciplinary committee.

The College of Chiropodists of Ontario took nearly three times longer than usual to investigate patient complaints and make the decision.

Canada Must Find a Concise System for Policing Drug Driving Argues Shop Insurance Canada

( January 4, 2017 – The federal government has announced a new pilot program has started which gives several police departments in Canada the tools to use oral fluid screening devices to test motorists for drugs. Shop Insurance Canada says the program is a step in the right direction, but more must be done to ensure police around the country can combat drug driving.

Denley: Ontario should have a guaranteed income for those with disabilities

The Ontario government is conducting an online survey to find out what you think about a no-strings-attached basic income as way to reduce poverty. It’s a step on the road to a pilot project that could last up to three years.

Universal basic income is not a magic solution, but it could help millions

Universal basic income is the idea that just won’t go away. At heart, it’s a very simple concept – every individual citizen should receive a regular payment on an unconditional basis. However, the actual structure and design varies considerably. Nonetheless, what has become clear in the last year or so is that there is growing desire across the globe, including in the UK, to explore, debate, test, design, and build support for a universal basic income.