Author Archives: Admin4

Sentence in pedestrian death sends a chilling message

The seemingly light sentence handed down to a Toronto driver whose vehicle jumped the curb and killed a mother of three is a caution to all pedestrians and cyclists, says Toronto plaintiff personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger.

Years later, Toronto woman haunted by collision

It was March 2014 when Skinner crossed the street at a crosswalk and was struck by a turning vehicle. The toll on her body was immediate: she said she struck her head, fractureda rib and tore a ligament in her knee. It was almost a month before she was able to walk again.

A Car Owner may be liable when Car Thief crashes stolen Vehicle

A 2016 civil action arose after C.S. (a minor) stole a car, lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a wall, causing significant injury to his passenger, C. M. (also a minor).  The car was stolen from the vehicle owner’s driveway. Due to the severity of their injuries, the injured plaintiff had very little or no memory of the event.

Long Term Disability Claim Delay = No Pay (Ontario)

Bills stack up. Particularly around the Holiday season. Unless you’re independently wealthy or have amassed considerable savings, you’re ability to pay off these bills comes through income generated from working (or very generous monetary gifts!). What could be worse than being unable to return to work on account of a disability; or losing your job because you can’t work.

Concussions and Auto Accidents

As it turns out, it doesn’t matter if you hit your head on anything. The forces at work in a car accident are strong enough that even if you don’t smack your forehead on the dashboard, you can still have a concussion after an accident.

Eglinton Ave. Toronto’s deadliest street: analysis

Eglinton Avenue is officially Toronto’s deadliest street.

This year, eight pedestrians have been killed on, or adjacent to, the east-west artery, according to a Metro analysis. No other roadway’s tally comes close.

It’s Privileged: Should Litigation Privilege attach to pre-litigation Adjusters’ Files?

Litigation privilege serves to protect from disclosure, documents that came into existence (a) after litigation has been commenced, or (b) when litigation was reasonably contemplated, if it was for the dominant purpose of using the information to obtain legal advice or assist in the conduct of the contemplated litigation. The purpose of the privilege is “to create a ‘zone of privacy’ in relation to pending or apprehended litigation”, so that litigants can prepare their respective cases in private, without adversarial interference and the risk of premature disclosure.[1]

Psychological tips to win over your clients, juries, and judges

Effectively persuading a potential new client, a jury, or an interviewer – and being able to do it time and again – requires a solid understanding of how people make decisions. Persuasion traditionally relies on three techniques, namely: to speak the truth (logos), be credible (ethos), and move your audience emotionally (pathos).  Unconscious (cognitive) biases can interfere with or bolster these techniques.

I Won’t Apologize for Having Fun While Chronically Ill

When I was six, I was hospitalized with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. At the hospital, I was encouraged to get out of bed, get dressed and spend as much time as possible in the playroom. I brought magazines and books back to my room to read and played with other kids who were up and about on the pediatric floor. There was a girl in the next room with leukemia, and we made faces and waved to each other through our shared window.

Concussion news