Author Archives: Admin4

The Agenda – Compensating Injured Workers?; Giving Patients a Voice – video

Toronto’s Deadly Streets in review: Lower speed limits save lives

Since June, the city has installed 400 new speed limit signs along 14 roads designated as “pedestrian priority corridors.” In each case, the speed limit was lowered by 10 km/h.

Statistics Canada Article on Impaired driving in Canada

The Statistics Canada publication Juristat has published an article entitled Impaired driving in Canada, 2015.

It presents data on police-reported impaired driving, including data specific to drug-impaired driving. It looks at the age and sex of accused persons and the time of day or time of year when those incidents occur.

Court Dismisses Claim in which Broker Issues Policy with Incorrect Model of Vehicle

The case concerned the insurance policy of a Mercedes. In June 2013, Waqar Zaidi requested that his broker, Routh Chovaz, change the coverage he had arranged with Jevco from the 2008 Mercedes Benz CL-320 to the 2010 Mercedes Benz CL-350 he had recently purchased.  Routh Chovaz received the request and issued a new motor vehicle liability slip to Mr. Zaidi but did not confirm the change with Jevco.

Opioids: Time would help, trust is vital

Daily we learn more about the opioid crisis. Two of the active ingredients in this crisis are the lack of time and trust. Loss of time between doctor and patient is part of the collateral damage resulting from the changes in how our health care is mismanaged in Ontario. The sordid story of such drugs as OxyContin is littered with abuse from the user, from greed by the producers, sales pitches and the reckless pursuit of profit.

Wednesday: What’s Hot on CanLII

1. Platnick v Bent, 2016 ONSC 7340

[2] The email communication giving rise to this litigation was made by Ms. Bent – then president-elect of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association – to a confidential “Listserve” accessible only by those OTLA members who subscribed to it. The email alerted subscribers to an incident that had occurred during the course of her representation of a client in a catastrophic injury claim and provided them with advice for the conduct of similar claims in future.

It’s Time For The Insurance Industry To Be Serious About Optional SABS

Ontario Proposes New Three-Year Plan to OMA

Today, Ontario shared with the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) a proposed three-year plan that would improve patient access to care, provide more support for family physicians, and build stability into Ontario’s health-care budget.

Healthcare workers call trauma from road collisions a ‘preventable disease’

A lot has changed for Mary Forrest since her husband and daughter dropped her off at a street corner near Lawrence West subway station almost seven years ago.

Did Canada’s pot panel give stoned drivers a pass?

Dr. Mark Ware, vice-chair of the federal task force on cannabis legalization, confirmed the obvious on Tuesday: pot-impaired driving was one of the most vexing issues the panel faced. How much is too much? How can we measure it? How can we prove impairment in court? These were confounding questions long before the Trudeau government promised to greenlight recreational marijuana use.