Author Archives: Admin4

Neutralizing jury bias

If you have been following personal injury decisions in Ontario lately, you have noticed the trend. For the most part, juries have been giving injured victims unfavourable results, including shutting them out of any compensation. Not long ago, personal injury lawyers were filing jury notices with nearly every claim. Now a significant number of personal injury lawyers prefer a judge alone trial. Insurance lawyers strategically file a jury notice with nearly every claim. What has caused such a change?

It’s Time For The Insurance Industry To Be Serious About Optional SABS

This week I was speaking to my insurance agent who preparing my renewals. I was asking her about how the optional benefits have been impacted by the regulatory changes that became effective on June 1st. During the conversation it came out that she only had two clients with optional benefits – me, and my daughter and son-in-law. That’s it!

Judge rules that Plaintiff’s Claim for Damages for Soft-tissue Injuries not barred under Limitation Act

In June 2009, a woman was rear-ended and sustained several significant injuries to her neck, back, shoulders and hips, including soft-tissue injuries, for which she was hospitalized. In August 2010, the injured woman retained legal counsel and in December 2011, her lawyer initiated a civil suit against the owner of the vehicle responsible for the accident.

Children’s role in negligence at heart of case

The court recently upheld an Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision that found the City of Hamilton liable for an accident in which nine-year-old Dean Saumur was struck by a car.

Basic Income Pilot consultation

We’re launching a pilot project to study different ways of delivering income support and reducing poverty in Ontario. We’d like you to join the conversation.

14 Things People Affected by Traumatic Brain Injury Wish Others Understood

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability in the United States, contributing to about 30 percent of all injury deaths, according to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention. People who survive a TBI can face a wide range of side effects, ranging from ones that may last a few days to lifelong disabilities.

Doctor accused of altering medical reports for insurance claims

“(TD’s lawyer) must have received instructions from the insurance company to shut (the case) down at all costs,” she said.

Allegations of lewd texts to assistant put Jeremy Diamond in the rough

In 2011, a female assistant was charged with extortion after she threatened to expose Diamond for harassing behaviour and other activities. On investigation, police withdrew charges against her and concluded there was ‘sufficient evidence to charge (Diamond)’ but none were filed.

The New Dispute System for Accident Benefits Claims: You Lose Before You Even Begin

What this means is that, even with the most egregious behaviour of an insurance company against a financially strapped injured person, that person cannot be reimbursed for the legal costs needed to dispute the insurance company’s decision, unless the insurer did not behave themselves within the LAT proceedings. It is as if all of the actions of an insurance company outside of the proceedings don’t matter.

ICBC identifies over 3,000 possible fraud alerts on open claims with new analytics software

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) has discovered 3,300 possible fraud alerts on open claims over the last three years following a review with a new analytics tool.