Author Archives: Admin4

Insurance Assessors – Serious Concerns Raised

When you are injured in a car accident, there are usually two parts to your claim – (1) an accident benefits claim; and (2) a claim against the other driver (which is secretly defended by the other driver’s insurer).  Both of those companies have the right to not listen to treating doctors and to, instead, hand-pick medical doctors, pay them and send you to see those doctors for opinions.  Many insurer’s have “rosters” of assessors and only include (and keep) the doctors that they wish on that roster.

Shorter days, winter weather increase accident risk

Motorists should slow down and drive carefully as Canada’s wonky winter weather hits, says Ottawa personal injury lawyer Victoria Boddy.

Warm temperatures during winter shouldn’t give people a sense of roadside security, and the snow means motorists should slow down, Boddy tells

Four things that can lead to a denial of coverage under your LAWPRO policy

Insurance is different from other types of contracts. Besides the ongoing obligations (as described in the policy’s terms and conditions) that exist between the insurer and insured, there is also a duty of utmost good faith (uberrimae fidei, for you Latin fans). Just as an insurance carrier can’t act in bad faith in denying a claim, a purchaser of insurance coverage is required to deal honestly and fairly with the insurer.

Personal Injury Lawyers in the Spotlight (Ontario)

My firm employs other lawyers, paralegals and clerks who assist me. But there are no hidden partners or agents outside of my law firm who you are being passed along to for the legal work on your case. If we take on your case, we will do the work. Your file, along with your personal and confidential information stays with our law firm. It doesn’t get passed along to another lawyer or law firm who you’ve never met or heard of.

$110,000 Non-Pecuniary Assessment for Likely Permanent Chronic Pain Syndrome

In today’s case (Beaton v. Perkes) the Plaintiff was involved in a 2012 rear end collision the Defendant admitted fault for.  The Plaintiff suffered soft tissue injuries and related headaches.  Her symptoms persisted and unfortunately developed into a chronic pain syndrome which had a poor prognosis.

Feel less protected when driving recently?? You should, and you should explore steps to protect yourself…

There are some very bad apples out there that cause car accidents – people who just do not seem to care and make no apologies for their negligence, despite causing horrible injuries.  But there are also a ton of “good apples” who have a momentary lapse of concentration – ie: a moment of inattention due to a screaming child, or a tired eye.  All of those people need to be aware that the government’s recent legislative changes not only affect people injured in accidents, they also could certainly affect the ones who cause the accidents as well.

Allstate Canada Safe Driving Study finds collisions continue to rise

Now in its eighth year, the Safe Driving Study examines collision data of Allstate Canada customers in AlbertaNew BrunswickNova Scotia, and Ontario — which is then used to rank cities across the country according to collision frequency. Of the 86 communities included in the 2016 study, Spruce Grove, AB ranked as the safest, with a collision frequency rate of 3.60 per cent, while the community with the highest regularity of collisions was Halifax, NS, at 7.77 per cent.

Insurance says my car is a write-off. I disagree. Now what?

I hit a deer that jumped into my path and my 2009 BMW X5 was damaged. My insurance company’s claim department accepted the $16,400 estimate for repair – until the auto body shop submitted a new estimate that was more than $18,000. The insurance company now says my car is total loss because it’s only worth $16,600, less deductible, based on comparable vehicles around Toronto. I could never buy a similar car for that here – prices on average are at least $5,000 higher. Am I stuck with adjusted value and not market prices? Do I have the option to go to another auto body repair shop, get a lower quote and insist the insurance company repair it instead of writing it off?

Getting only 6 hours of sleep can double risk of car crash: AAA study

“Our new research shows that a driver who has slept for less than five hours has a crash risk comparable to someone driving drunk,” said Dr. David Yang, the executive director for the foundation, in a release.

Technology, the Fiduciary Duty, and the Unaffordable Legal Services Problem

The concept of a legal profession should have a strong social welfare aspect to it such that its distant goal is to make a community’s legal health as important to it as its medical health, and its lawyers as important to it as its doctors. Technology can do that. Unfortunately it is becoming a more distant and unattainable goal because our law societies are moving us in the wrong direction.