Author Archives: Admin4

MDs’ billing scams reveal costly failure

The Ontario government does, it seems, practically nothing to recover money when doctors bill inappropriately for services.

That’s what Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk’s annual report, released Wednesday, found. The issue has become a political hot potato for the Ontario government since the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has been seeking a deal with Ontario doctors on physician billing.

Hamilton activists demand action rather than talk to reduce poverty

“We need action now,” Samuels told provincial officials towards the end of nearly a three-hour public meeting held by the Ontario government at the Crown Plaza Nov. 22 on implementing a basic income program.

Diamond & Diamond under fire

He’s the face of personal injury law in Ontario. On television, radio, social media, billboards, buses and atop urinals at the Air Canada Centre, you will find the image and the message of lawyer Jeremy Diamond.

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades: Settlement Offers in Bodily Injury Litigation

The Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision, Elbakhiet v. Palmer, 2014 ONCA 544, gives practical direction on how specific a settlement offer must be to meet the technical requirements of R49 of the Rules of Civil Procedure as well as the burden of proof imposed by R49.10(3). In January 2015 the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed with costs the application for leave to appeal .

Tips for dealing with self-represented litigants

The number of people representing themselves in family and civil court has dramatically increased over the last few years throughout Canada. For example, an Alberta study in 2012 found that more than half of family law files involved a self-represented litigant.

Shop Insurance Canada Urges Ontarians to Shop for Auto Insurance

In October, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released its third quarter auto insurance rate approvals, and the recommendations pointed providers increasing auto insurance premiums. Leading online insurance expert and home of a best-in-class quote engine, Shop Insurance Canada, says that it is more important than ever that customers shop for their insurance coverage.

Medical malpractice claims often the result of misunderstandings

Frivolous malpractice claims are often the result of an unfortunate misunderstanding about the difference between a medical complication and care that is below standard, says Toronto orthopedic spine and trauma surgeon Dr. Michael Ford.

Access to the Civil Justice System in Canada Is a Concern According to Data From the 2016 World Justice Project Rule of Law Index

The accessibility of the civil justice system is an aspect of rule of law on which Canada scores relatively poorly, in comparison with other measures for Canada and with other countries. 

Ontario launches consultations to cut red tape in financial services sector

The Red Tape Challenge is broken into several “regulation categories,” including financial services, insurance, employment and labour, health and safety, corporate and commercial law, land use and planning, and taxation and financial reporting. The insurance category is further broken down into more than 50 sub-categories, including: auto insurance dispute resolution

http://www. insurance/ontario-launches- consultations-cut-red-tape- financial-services-sector- 1004104853/

Financial Services: insurance regulations

Ontario regulates insurance to protect consumers and to promote stability and efficiency in the industry. These regulations outline the legal framework, rules and requirements for providing fire, life, automobile and accident and sickness insurance.

Tell us how we can improve regulations in this category or how a specific regulation affects you. redtapechallenge/content/ insurance-regulations