Author Archives: Admin4

Did the Supreme Court of Canada formally establish a new form of consent? Is “implied consent” really “deemed, irrevocable consent”?

On close review, it does appear that the Supreme Court of Canada has — perhaps inadvertently — re-written a key aspect of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act(“PIPEDA”).

Ontario transportation department ‘has done little work’ to address liability for inadequate winter highway maintenance: Auditor General

There has been little movement on a recommendation made in 2015 that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation “consider incorporating contractor liability” if roads are not properly cleared during the winter, the province’s auditor general suggested in her 2016 annual report, released Wednesday.

http://www. legislation-regulation/ ontario-transportation- department-done-little-work- address-liability-inadequate- winter-highway-maintenance- auditor-general-1004104885/

2016 Safe Driving Study: The Safest Days on the Road [Infographic]

This yearly study uses Allstate Canada collision claims data to see overarching trends on Canadian roads and to kickstart conversations about them, like which communities have the safest roads, what days of the week have the most crashes and what types of collisions are the most common. safe-driving-study-the-safest- days-on-the-road-infographic/

Getting to CAT: A Roadmap for Health Care Professionals

This paper is essential reading for any health care professional working with catastrophically (CAT) injured accident victims who is interested in understanding the GOS-E. resources/getting-to-cat-a-roa dmap-for-health-care-professio nals/

A Will of Iron

Margaret’s legs are pumping in the cool air of the November morning as she cycles west on Gerrard Street in Downtown Toronto. She is on her way to meet her manager for their weekly meeting, short blocks away. The din of rush hour traffic in her ears, Margaret is heading through the Yonge Street intersection. She sees a garbage truck and realizes it’s turning into her path. She scrambles, trying to get out of the way.

http://www. articles/a-will-of-iron.html? referrer= LT3opU8Q6p

Stretching the Limitation Period in Ontario

A couple of recent cases from our Court of Appeal confirm that a limitation period can be stretched beyond the usual two years, but only if it would not be appropriate for a plaintiff to start the legal action earlier. stretching-limitation-period- ontario/

A Focus on Insurance Defence – 7 part series


Toronto auto insurance premiums increasing against Ontario

Toronto remains the most expensive auto insurance market in Ontario, while the Greater Toronto Area is bucking a province wide-trend, according to figures from Kanetix. The city’s car insurance prices continue to rise despite the fact Ontario auto insurance premiums are declining across the province.

The Auto Insurance Consumers’ Bill of Rights: Why it’s important to you

The bill has to do with consumer rights in Ontario, and it’s important to you as a driver. Ontario laws mandate that all vehicle owners have auto insurance. But these same laws concerning auto insurance also grant you, as the policyholder, rights as a consumer. Under the Insurance Act.

Urine Test for Fatigue Could Help Prevent Accidents

A new urine test may help monitor levels of fatigue and potentially decrease fatigue-related errors, according to a study published in Analytical Chemistry.