Author Archives: Admin4

New study names Halifax worst city for auto collisions

This is the second year in a row that Nova Scotia had the highest collision frequency rate. It also saw its collision rate increase the most, from 5.42% to 6.39%. In second is Ontario, with a rate of 5.79%, up from 5.59% in 2015.

eSlips: Coming to Your Mobile Phone in 2017

In mid-November, the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) made an historic announcement – it would approve an electronic option for proof of automobile insurance (eSlips) across Canada in the first half of 2017. In other words, early next year paper will no longer be required for motorists to show they have automobile insurance coverage. Instead, they can display a digital copy on their mobile device.

Chronic pain: do patients get the care and treatment they deserve?

Lynn Cooper compares the feeling of chronic pain to a blisteringly bad sunburn that simply won’t heal.

“Remember how you could barely put clothing over where you had that sunburn?” asks Cooper, the president of the Canadian Pain Coalition. “Imagine that pain never going away. That’s what it’s like for someone who has neuropathic nerve pain that is burning and relentless.”

Trauma And Homelessness

This week, as we prepare for Sounds of the Season, we’re talking about the underlying poverty that leaves people with no choice but to rely on food banks. Matt Galloway spoke with Dr. Gary Bloch, he is a family doctor at St. Michael’s Hospital.

Excessive wait times at hospitals hurting patients, Ontario A-G finds

Sick and injured Ontarians are forced to wait far too long to be admitted to intensive-care beds and to undergo emergency surgery, the province’s Auditor-General says in a new report slamming the government and hospital bosses for overcrowding at big community hospitals.

Link to AG Report

Collisions claims continue to inch up overall: Allstate Canada study

Auto collisions claims among Allstate Insurance Company of Canada customers in four provinces rose 1.7% over the previous study period, reflecting increases in some jurisdictions and decreases in others.

Alarming numbers for distracted driving

There was something about the wrecked van that caught Frank Serravalle’s eye.

Under contract with insurance companies, Thorold Auto Parts and Recycling picks up totalled vehicles all over southern Ontario.

Serravalle asked his tow-truck driver what happened. “Texting and driving,” was the answer.

Friday, December 2, 2016 is the deadline to file a consent timetable and draft order to prevent a dismissal under Rule 48.14 of pre-2012 matters

In a case decided last week,  Daniels v. Grizzell, 2016 ONSC 7351, Associate Chief Justice Marrocco provided some comments that clarify the interpretation of Rule 48.14 and give clear answers to a number of the more common questions LAWPRO has received from Ontario lawyers. The clarifications provided are as follows:

Setting Aside a Jury’s Verdict – A Heavy Burden

“Author of his/her own misfortune” is a common defence in personal injury cases and in Hamilton v. Bluewater Recycling Association, the jury reached this determination when it found that the appellant/ plaintiff was 100% responsible for the injuries he sustained when his motorcycle collided with a recycling truck driven and owned by the respondents/defendants. Nevertheless, the plaintiff appealed this decision to the Court of Appeal, which dismissed the appeal in November 2016.

Medpot user says she was wrongfully charged with DUI

Linda Birks was only a handful of kilometers away from her new home in Port Albert when she became caught in a thunderstorm and drove her car off the road, down a ditch and into a hydro pole.