Author Archives: Admin4

Chronic Pain Cases – Beware of the Civil Jury: A review of Mandel v. Fakhim

Think hard before taking a chronic pain case to a jury trial in the current legal environment. Juries continue to be suspicious of chronic pain related injuries and are making it extremely challenging for chronic pain suffering victims. The recent case of Mandel v Fakhim is another prime example of this trend, to the point where the impartial judge felt he had to comment on the injustices being done by Ontario juries.

Toronto doctor screening for poverty using postal codes to make patients’ lives better

Diabetes, heart disease, mental illness and trauma — at first glance, these conditions might not appear to have much in common, but a Toronto doctor says one key trait often lies beneath them: poverty.

ICBC’s “Checkered Record” of Funding Treatments Impacts Part 7 Deduction Request

In today’s case (Olson v. Farran) the Plaintiff was injured in a collision and was awarded just over $92,000 in damages including special damages and funds for future care costs.  The Defendant, who was insured with ICBC, requested certain damages to be deducted because of the overlapping coverage for some expenses under the Plaintiff’s own ICBC policy.

Ontario Establishing Patient and Family Advisory Council

Council to Advise on Improving Health Care, Patient Experience


Budget Talks

Do you have an idea to  make things easier for people in their everyday lives? Submit you project proposal. 
We’ll put final ideas to a public vote and, if chosen, spend up to $3 million to bring up to eight projects to life.

Hoang v Vincentini: A Cautionary Tale on the Issue of Costs and the Implications on All Parties Involved

This action arises as a result of a motor vehicle accident that occurred on August 6, 2004 when the then-six year old plaintiff, Christopher Hoang (“Christopher”), was struck by a vehicle driven by the defendant Adriano Vincentini (“Vincentini”) and owned by Ford Credit Canada Leasing Company (“Ford Credit”). The accident occurred after Christopher was dropped off at an intersection by his father Can Hoang (“Hoang”).

Are Insurance Companies Allowed to Spy on People?

If you have a personal injury claim against an insurance company there is a decent chance that the insurer will hire a private investigator to conduct surveillance on you. It is legal for private investigators to watch you in public and take photographs and videos of you. Private investigators are not allowed to trespass on private property.

PTSD sufferer speaks out about damage of intrusive surveillance

Cindy Modderman has just embarked on the trip of a lifetime.

She has battled post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for years, some days finding it is impossible to leave the house, and her first trip to America with her daughter is an exciting event for the former police officer and paramedic – one her psychologist believes will help her recovery.

Are you eligible for the disability tax credit?

Canadians who qualify for the disability tax credit, but haven’t applied for it may be eligible to recover up to $16,000 in back credits, says Ottawa disabilities and estate planning lawyer Kenneth Pope.

Doctors’ Notes: Stopping opioid use completely will only cause more problems

Canadians have one of the highest rates of prescription opioid use in the world – five times higher than in the U.K., for example. This is a tragedy because we don’t do any better at reducing chronic pain – just at creating addiction and an epidemic of overdose death.