Author Archives: Admin4

‘Breaking Bad is the reality’: Canada’s opioid crisis is worsening, conference hears

Canada’s opioid crisis is worsening and health professionals and policymakers are scrambling for a solution, a packed audience at an opioid conference in Ottawa heard Friday morning.

Doctor found guilty of groping patients argues licence should not be revoked

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is battling in court to have Dr. Javad Peirovy’s licence revoked, arguing that public safety was at “significant risk” while he practised at a Toronto walk-in clinic.

A Change of Mind: New documentary explores the pervasiveness of brain injuries

When Derick Forsyth suffered a traumatic brain injury after a severe car accident, it meant he’d have to re-learn a lot of things he took for granted.

“How to shop, how to walk, how to cook, how to read [and] how to talk a little bit … I had to learn everything all over again,” he told host Rick Cluff on CBC’s The Early Edition.

Court Of Appeal Takes Expansive Approach To Definition Of “Accident” In Caughy Decision

The Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in Caughy v. Economical Mutual Insurance Company 2016 ONCA 226 seems to have expanded the definition of “accident,” for the purposes of statutory accident benefits, to include a trip and fall incident.

Poor neighbourhoods pay more for car insurance: Study

If you live in one of Toronto’s priority neighbourhoods, you probably pay more for auto insurance.

At least, that’s what the list of 10 most expensive and cheapest areas for car insurance in Toronto looks like at first blush.

Sarnia-Lambton aims to be test site for basic income program

Sarnia-Lambton is trying to become one of the Ontario test sites for a Basic Income Guarantee program.

The trial, if approved, would provide a basic income to all those living below a certain income threshold and could replace the current Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support program.

How your Long Term Disability Benefits get reduced: The Set Off

Long Term Disability Plans are what they call in the insurance industry “living policies” or “living benefits“. You need to be alive in order to recover on going LTD Benefits.

In their most basic form, these LTD policies are there to protect an insured person in the event of serious disability which prevents that person from working at their own occupation, or at any gainful occupation.

WSIB is bound by law

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) has a long history of adjudicating claims for workers with mental illness and takes this responsibility very seriously. We have specialized teams dedicated to managing mental stress claims in a timely and compassionate manner. In 2015, the WSIB allowed over 1,000 mental stress claims.

BC Chief Justice – Indivisible Injury Assessment Applies for Charter Damages as Well

In today’s case (Henry v. British Columbia) the Court awarded the Plaintiff over $8 million in damages for a wrongful conviction and some 27 years of incarceration.  Prior to trial the Plaintiff settled with other Defendants.  The Province sought to have those settlements deducted from the awarded damages arguing they all covered a single indivisible harm.

Premium Reduction Goals and Reforms Make Ontario Auto Insurance Impact Hard to Judge

A.M. Best Company Inc. says it is too soon to make lasting judgements regarding the financial impact on insurers as a result of Ontario’s auto insurance reforms. The province introduced new laws in the car insurance marker this past June. Reforms focused on changing accident benefit laws. Three years ago, Ontario also mandated a 15% reduction in auto premiums.