Author Archives: Admin4

Shop Insurance Canada Urges Ontarians to Shop for Auto Insurance

( November 16, 2016 – In October, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) released its third quarter auto insurance rate approvals, and the recommendations pointed providers increasing auto insurance premiums. Leading online insurance expert and home of a best-in-class quote engine, Shop Insurance Canada, says that it is more important than ever that customers shop for their insurance coverage.

Distracted Driving – Other Distractions

Distracted driving is the leading cause of collisions in Ontario. According to the Ontario Provincial Police, 2015 marked the third consecutive year that distracted driving exceeded all other categories for road deaths on OPP patrolled roads in Ontario. Last year alone, 69 people died due to distraction behind the wheel.

Judge allows Plaintiff to amend his Claim to add Municipalities as Defendants

On November 23, 2011, Travis Todhunter was injured when a vehicle collided with the car in which he was traveling as a passenger.  A few months later, Mr. Todhunter received the accident report, which contained the following information detailing the circumstances of the accident: the vehicle driven by the defendant lost control; the roads were icy and slippery; there was freezing rain and drifting snow; there was skidding and sliding involved; and the accident occurred on a country road. On May 22, 2012, Mr. Todhunter filed a claim against James Owles, the driver of the vehicle that struck his.

Blood Metabolites May Indicate Concussion

HealthDay News — A simple blood test may one day diagnose concussions with more than 90% certainty, according to a study publishedin Metabolomics.

Float Hopes – The Strange New Science Of Floating

They started late one night, the tremors that shook Michael Harding’s whole body when he lay down to sleep. “A bit weird,” thought Harding, then a 23-year-old Australian soldier stationed in Afghanistan. Just days before, he’d been in an hours-long siege in which his second-in-command was shot and killed.

IBC welcomes Government of Ontario pledge to create new provincial insurance regulator

TORONTO, Nov. 14, 2016 /CNW/ – Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) today congratulated the Government of Ontario for moving forward with the creation of a new financial services regulator. In its 2016 Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review, the government announced it would be introducing legislation to establish the initial parameters of the new Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA).

Reasonable Doubt: are some lives worth more than others?

Are some lives worth more than others?

In some areas of the law, yes. Women, as a matter of principle, often receive less compensation than men in serious personal injury lawsuits. Poor people generally receive less than wealthy or middle class people. Some lives are literally worth millions of dollars less than others. Why?

Court of Appeal ruling opens the door for more litigation

“This is going to be followed by everyone in the personal injury bar and I suspect anyone who has a car,” says Goldfinger. “If you warm your car up on a winter morning and someone steals it and crashes, are you going to be held liable?”

Chronic pain sufferers fear crackdown on opioids

Today, the 54-year-old Ottawa woman is one of millions of Canadians who suffer from long-term chronic pain, the result of injuries she sustained when her car was sideswiped while she was out doing errands. During years of coping with the resulting pain and trying to get effective treatment, her life began to unwind. She and her husband split up, she never had children, she can no longer work. At one point, she was hospitalized for depression and suicidal thoughts.

Canadian Food Bank Use Is On the Rise: Report

OTTAWA — More Canadians are relying on food banks to feed themselves, a report released Tuesday suggests.

The report by Food Banks Canada says last March some 863,492 people turned to a food bank, a 1.3 per cent increase over March 2015 and a 28 per cent rise over 2008.