Author Archives: Admin4

Hamblin v. Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada, COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO 2016 ONCA 854 DATE: 20161114 DOCKET: C61565

[2] The application judge held that the respondent was entitled to reduce the Long-Term Disability Income (LTD) payments it was making to the appellant, under its Group Insurance Plan as a result of the appellant’s first accident, by the amount of the Non-Earner Benefit (NEB) she was receiving from her own insurer under O. Reg. 34/10 Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule – Effective September 1, 2010 (SABS), as a result of her second accident.

Shop Insurance Canada Says Ontario Car Insurance Reforms Are Troubling for Customers and Brokers

( November 12, 2016 – Ontario’s auto insurance reforms were introduced in the summer as a strategy to reduce premiums in the province, which is the most expansive insurance market in Canada. However, personal injury laywers are arguing that brokers could be subject to lawsuits because of the transfer of accident benefits dispute arbitration to the licence appeal tribunal (LAT). Shop Insurance Canada agrees, and adds it has previously warned that customers will lose out because of accident benefit reforms.

Broker Negligence Claims: Are You Adequately Covered?

Is your insurance broker adequately inquiring about your insurance needs? With the substantial decline of available medical, rehabilitation and attendant care benefits from $2 million to $1 million for catastrophically injured individuals, this is a question that will be asked more often in the realm of motor vehicle insurance. The recent cutbacks to the accident benefits regime in Ontario are expected to have profound effects on those seriously injured in accidents.

Limited Scope Representation Resources

The information and resources on practicePRO’s Limited Scope Representation page are intended to help you understand some of the risks inherent in providing limited scope legal services, and how you can reduce your exposure to a claim when working for a client on an unbundled basis.

Ombudsman asked to probe WSIB treatment of mentally ill

Mentally ill workers are being systematically denied benefits because of discriminatory and unconstitutional practices at the province’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, according to a new complaint sent to Ontario’s government watchdog.

Signs and Symptoms of Myofascial Pain

The condition of myofascial pain syndrome is considered a chronic pain disorder. In this condition, pressure on trigger – or sensitive – points on your body result in pain in areas of your body that seem to be unrelated. This is known as referred pain.

Basic Income: From an idea to reality

Our current way of dealing with poverty is inefficient at best, with mountains of forms, paperwork, weighed down by bureaucracy and procedures. At worst, it’s stigmatising and judgemental, keeping people in poverty rather than giving them opportunities to break free and elevate themselves out of poverty. One possible solution is providing individuals with a Basic Income (click link for my previous post on the subject).

Auto Insurance: Educate and Protect Yourself Before It’s Too Late

Ontarians were hit hard with another cutback to mandatory auto accident benefits coverage on June 1, 2016. There were drastic reductions in the mandatory limits for medical treatment, rehabilitation costs and funds to provide care for those unable to care for themselves. These reductions have left car accident victims to suffer both physically and financially.

Is the Courtroom Door Open or Closed?

By way of update to our October 8, 2015 blog featuring Ayr Farmers Mutual v. Wright: “Insurer’s Attempt to Short Circuit Dispute Resolution Process Shut Down”, the insurer’s appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeal on all grounds October 27, 2016.

‘Patients First Act’ puts patients last

Imagine if Ontario’s education minister had absolute power over the education system.
Imagine she could dictate the hours, number of students and education plans of every teacher, and pay them whatever she wanted.